Insert/Embed other file formats like .xlsx and .docx (but not limited to) in addition to pdf and images

Currently, obsidian only allows pdfs and images to be added to the edtior.
It would be helpful to have the ability to insert/embed file formats other than pdf. I work with a lot of excel and word files and it helps having those files linked to notes for reference.


Yes, it will be great helpful.


Dear All,
I like the idea that Obsidian can open files in default app.
I use Obsidian to manage different self-contained projects and it would be fantastic if additional files such as XLS, DOCX and TXT could be opened in their default app. I am not suggesting that a function to view these files within Obsidian (although it would be great if that possible especially for TXT). I think it is enough to simply right click and open that file externally but the name of these files does not show in the file tree!

I noticed that you can drag and drop e.g., DOCX file but this does not show up in the file tree and it ends up in the root path of Obsidian.

Related to this, it would be great if an additional option is given in the preferences to Attachment files where these are saved in a particular folder.

By the way, the above applies to PDF files, although PDF files appear in file tree.

Best wishes.


Yes, I like the idea of having a folder of Excel files (in my Obsidian vault) they I can at least link to as references in other notes, where clicking them launches them in Excel or whatever appropriate program. They themselves would be dead ends as far as links go, but useful for referencing.


Great YES from my side too. This would be very helpful.
The PDF link is indeed a great example.
Adding these kind of things would help making Obsidian the PKM-system of reference!
For as far as this isn’t already the case of course! :wink:


Also opening .HTML and .TXT files would be great.
I have a vault with .md files containing links to .HTML and .TXT files which are rather ‘clumsy’ to open.
Same counts for all Office365 related files (eg .DOCX, .XLSX and .PPTX)
Shouldn’t be too difficult to integrate (my opinion) as the same already works for .PDF files or am I wrong here?


+1, I’d love to at least be able to link to a spreadsheet for more advanced tracking



For me it’s a rather fundamental feature for knowledge management.
One should be able to drag in all-types of files (just like PDF) and/or link them. Opening them can be done through a default app.


+1 on this. For me the use case is also HTML. I have plenty of them in my vault as archives. Rarely edit but views often

Would be good if they can be edited as-is

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+1 I’d love to be able to drag just about any type of file (Office docs, .excalidraw files, .svg, etc), into Obsidian and have it work the same way as PDF’s currently do. Maybe add embedded views in the future, but just being able to attach more file types would be huge for those of us use Obsidian to manage projects.

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I described a similar set of requests here


Very useful–I hadn’t even considered Excel files. I wonder if at some point, the Obsidian API could potentially represent excel files in a nonlinear manner, and with some plugins have the same power as Excel functions. Of course, my head might be in the clouds on this one.

Yes! It would be great to use Obsidian to organize my files, bringing them toghether with thougts and ideas - but that would require to reference on the most common office-formats (as doc/ docx etx).

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Which is perfectly possible by embedding them in a seperate MD-file… and using that file to transclude in another document ![[]]-notation…

This would be a great opportunity if I could save any type of file to the database folder, Such as xls with data. And you could use the syntax in the note ![[data.xls]] to insert a link to this file. When clicked, the file opens in Excel


This would also be great, especially for excel, pdf and powerpoint files too


I like this request, maybe add a way to set a custom program for a custom file type, something like this
XYPlorer Portable File Associations


From my point of view it would be much easier to link to a local file or a file located in a folder synced by webdav or dropbox etc.
Please consider the implementation of linking to local files, like in Typora, as already requested in this forum by several other people.
Thank you for our understanding


Linking notes to files would be interesting. So a use case might be collecting notes for an article written in a Microsoft Word or Google Doc and being able to link to the attachment.


I just want to change obsidian.css inside obsidian