Other Files: Excel, Word and Text

Dear All,
I like the idea that Obsidian can open files in default app.
I use Obsidian to manage different self-contained projects and it would be fantastic if additional files such as XLS, DOCX and TXT could be opened in their default app. I am not suggesting that a function to view these files within Obsidian (although it would be great if that possible especially for TXT). I think it is enough to simply right click and open that file externally but the name of these files does not show in the file tree!

I noticed that you can drag and drop e.g., DOCX file but this does not show up in the file tree and it ends up in the root path of Obsidian.

Related to this, it would be great if an additional option is given in the preferences to Attachment files where these are saved in a particular folder.

By the way, the above applies to PDF files, although PDF files appear in file tree.

Best wishes.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Insert/Embed other file formats like .xlsx and .docx (but not limited to) in addition to pdf and images