Image paste behavior variance depending on source of copied image
Steps to reproduce
Use case 1, step 1: Copy image data from a webpage (right click on an image, choose “copy”).
Use case 2, step 1: Copy image data from a local MacOS application (right click on an image, choose “copy”).
Step 2 (common to both use cases): Paste the image in Obsidian.
In use case 1, cmd-v pastes a MD link to the URL of the copied graphic and shift-cmd-v pastes only the URL (no MD formatting).
in use case 2, both cmd-v and shift-cmd-v create a new local file with the image contents from the clipboard and then create a wikilink to it.
Expected result
I expect to see Use Case 2 results in BOTH circumstances; the image data IS in the clipboard in Use Case 1, but Obsidian ignores it.
Actual result
Different behavior depending on how the image data was acquired / put into the clipboard.
- Operating system: MacOS 11.1
- Obsidian version: v0.10.13
Additional information
If I “copy” an image from a web browser, and paste it into a typical application that supports images (Word, Pages, gimp, etc.), I get the image data.
If I paste into Obsidian, I get a URL.
Looking at the actual clipboard data, the clipboard contains a .tiff version of the copied .jpg file as well as .rtf data with the original .jpg file embedded.
However, Obsidian ignores all of this and just pastes in the clipboard contents of type ‘public.utf8-plain-text’.
It is different if the image is copied from a local app (it doesn’t have a URL associated with it); in that case, Obsidian creates an attachment image file from the image data on the clipboard, and then creates a local wikilink reference to the new attachment file.
This inconsistency in Obsidian’s behavior is arguably a bug.