Well. According to incomplete researching.
An note-taking that both support offline bi-directional link AND Offline outliner does not exist currently.
Support offline bi-directional link —> Obsidian
Support Markdown and outliner —> Wiz.cn
Offline outliner app —> Indigrid, ominioutliner(Only Mac) ,etc.
But Indigrid,ominioutliner doesn’t support bi-directinal link and Markdown style.
But Wiz don’t support bi-directinal link .
We need outliner and markdown style in one place, especially offline. Not only outliner , not only markdown. We need both .
Outliner and markdown are two most commonly used notes style.
No app have ever think put them in one place.
Only support outliner or Only support Markdown currently .
If support outliner, the markdown style is not supported well.
If support markdown, the outliner style is not supported well.
Why don’t support them well in one app ?
I look around amount of apps, I find that only Obsidian have this potential, opportunity and challenge for it.
For me , I’ll have a lot of local 2D images and 3D files should be edited on PC, and about these 2D, 3D files need outliner and markdown style for took note.
Web app can’t work for local 2D/3D file well.
I’ve seen there are a few about outliner mode features requested on the forum.
Such as
Folding in preview - #102 by onkeltem ,
Drag and drop selected text to elsewhere in same note or another note,
Css-powered outline-like mode,
Convert Outlines - #7 by shane,
etc… Search results for 'outliner' - Obsidian Forum
But those requests are fragmented, That’s why I said " Enhance outliner mode experience".
Well. There is no doubt that the two developers have very rich and successful experience about outliner app.
Well, I don’t wana push for it. I guess if it’s accepted, it will do after v1.0 .
No hurry, We can wait for it, even it’s not highly priority.
Currently , I just talk about my thoughts.