I disagree with this. An editor should never yank the words you’re typing right out from under you. If you feel that is the best option, fine—all I am asking for is a toggle to control the behavior. If 98% of people prefer to just accept whatever the merge algorithm thinks is best and never be bothered, that’s fine. But for the other 2% (which could be thousands of users) what’s the harm in allowing them to get a prompt:
The file has been changed externally.
What would you like to do?
[ ] Keep Obsidianʼs Version
[x] Merge Changes
[ ] Keep External Version
[ ] Keep Both (copy)
OK, how many problems would you like to see before you “see evidence” ? This thread alone has 600+ views, and 8 other users commenting that they’re having the same problem. Anyone in software/QA knows that only ~1% of users bother to report bugs. I ran a quick search and easily came up with 5 more threads in addition to this one… not enough??
- Sync Merge Alert - Feature requests - Obsidian Forum
- Sometimes duplication of content from Obsidian Sync - Bug reports - Obsidian Forum
- Lost changes from time to time - Help - Obsidian Forum
- Conflict with logseq? content of a document erased - Help - Obsidian Forum
- [Bug] “modified externally” message constantly appears, erasing my text - Mobile - Obsidian Forum