Dropdown hotkey window

Use case or problem

I use a single markdown file as my scratchpad. It’s just to offload RAM from my brain. The things I put there are only relevant this week - 99% of the time I won’t need them later. The structure of the file is unimportant then - it’s just one big blob. The relevant things for me are 99% of the time at the end of the file. This markdown file is instantly accessible to me, because on my mac I use:

  • iterm2 with hotkey window sliding down when I press § (dropdown terminal) and sliding back up when § is pressed again
  • in this iterm2 I have the markdown scratchpad file always opened in neovim

This solution is perfect except for one thing - I hate neovim shortcuts. I much prefer my regular mac shortcuts and regular code editor shortcuts.

The use case is demonstrated by the video below.

Proposed solution

A hotkey window for obsidian, where pressing a shortcut would slide the obsidian window down and pressing it again would hide it again.

This would increase the % of my life spent in obsidian and therefore increase the quality of my life :slight_smile:

I think this would be super damn cool and no other code nor text editor have anything like that available.

I thought you might like the idea as well so I’m posting, but the existing obsidian roadmap is super cool as well, so… I’ll just leave it here for “maybe some day” :slight_smile:

Current workaround (optional)

Right now it’s iterm2 + neovim.
Relevant settings in iterm2:

Related feature requests (optional)

Haven’t found.

Possible duplicate:

There is Global Hotkeys community plugin which could be used along with other template-related plugins like QuickAdd.

Other related FRs:

Duplicate maybe not, but related definitely, thanks for finding this. Likely one solution could cover all those feature requests.

The people from the other threads seem to write their ideas down a lot which is crucial, but their implementation idea is similar to how other apps made it and I would imagine they maybe didn’t experience the joy of using the guake dropdown terminal on ubuntu and the analogical iterm2 dropdown terminal on a mac :stuck_out_tongue:

The more someone writes I think the more joy he would find in the implementation I suggested with obsidian always at your fingertips, always ready :smiley:

Two things reminded me of this:

  • Multi-Touch gestures on your Maclink (particularly switching between virtual desktopslink)
  • Raycast which is a spotlight replacementlink

Obsidian already gives 3rd party quick capture apps an API called Obsidian URIlink. The idea is that spotlight (or its equivalent) is so powerful that you don’t need extra keyboard shortcuts for common daily actions (calendar, calculator, dictionary, notes etc). This also means you can use many app specific keyboard shortcuts and only one shortcut is reserved globally.

This is not nearly the same though - I use all those things and more already.

  • Multiple virtual desktop switching
    • with 3 finger swipe
    • with keyboard custom shortcut: Caps lock + arrow
  • Alfred instead of Raycast and spotlight
  • spacebar launcher
    • space + o → a shortcut that brings up Obsidian