Drag and Drop Header and Block Links from Search Results

The current workaround is satisfactory:

  1. Open page preview for search item.
  2. Click within preview to switch to edit mode.
  3. Right click on block
  4. Run a Copy Block Link command to save link to block or block embed.
  5. Paste in note.

But the feature requested here would come in handy, and would save a few clicks :+1:

The drag & drop functionality in Obsidian feels notably limited. Several intuitive use cases where drag & drop would be a natural interaction pattern are currently unsupported. A few notable examples:

  1. Drag and drop bullet points, items in lists
  2. Create references for headers or blocks by drag-and-drop
  3. Drag and drop note on another note to merge
  4. Drag and drop PDF to create wikilink not embed
  5. Move file via drag and drop tab to folder