Double-click or right-click on image in preview mode to open in external viewer

  • Obs 0.10.8
  • macOS 11.1

use case:

I often need to annotate or crop images that I add to my vault. I use the built in macOS for this usually. As it is now, you can right click on an image link while in edit mode and choose “Open in default app”, which works.

But, you can’t do this from preview mode (no right click menu)

sorry if this feature req. already exists. I searched for “image”, “crop”, “external”, “open” etc but did not see any matching requests.


Keyboard-navigable context menu on images in preview would help the most, IMHO. It would allow us to solve this and many other issues / use cases by AutoHotkey / Keyboard Maestro until developers finish their higher priorities.
In the future, this request could be implemented in full, perhaps with utilization of “” and/or Single key hotkeys (context sensitive)

Some options desired in context menu:

current workaround:

switch to edit mode → find link to image → … → switch back to preview mode = unecessary effort.

Related feature requests:


Almost 3 years later and still no easy way to zoom on inserted image?


My plugin has this functionality: GitHub - NomarCub/obsidian-copy-url-in-preview: Image Context Menus - image context menus: copy, open in default app, show in system explorer, reveal in navigation context menu. Also Open PDF externally context menu.

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