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Obsidian Command and Hotkey List (new version)

In continuation of the older post, here is a new version of the Obsidian Command List.


  • Commands sorted by assigned hotkey
  • Commands sorted by internal Command ID
  • Command names shown in the language Obsidian is currently set to—ideal for multi-lingual people who switch often, and for users of the Buttons, Obsidian Leaflet, Command URI and Advanced Obsidian URI plugins.
  • Now shows the current hotkey settings, not just the defaults.
  • Modified hotkeys (different from the default setting) are now shown bolded.

Here’s what it looks like:

Complete note showing both versions:

Just copy-paste into a new note and try it out:

date: 2021-06-26
author: Matthias C. Hormann a.k.a. Moonbase59
tags: [obsidian, commands, hotkeys]

# Obsidian Command List

This shows the currently active commands and defined hotkeys. Command _names_ are localized to whatever language you’ve set Obsidian to use (the same as used in the Command Palette).

Check the code to see how I’ve done this using _Dataview JS_.

### Commands sorted by assigned hotkey


const getNestedObject = (nestedObj, pathArr) => {
    return pathArr.reduce((obj, key) =>
        (obj && obj[key] !== 'undefined') ? obj[key] : undefined, nestedObj);

function hilite(keys, how) {
    // need to check if existing key combo is overridden by undefining it
    if (keys && keys[1][0] !== undefined) {
        return how + keys.flat(2).join('+').replace('Mod', 'Ctrl') + how;
    } else {
        return how + '–' + how;

function getHotkey(arr, highlight=true) {
    let hi = highlight ? '**' : '';
    let defkeys = arr.hotkeys ? [[getNestedObject(arr.hotkeys, [0, 'modifiers'])],
    [getNestedObject(arr.hotkeys, [0, 'key'])]] : undefined;
    let ck = app.hotkeyManager.customKeys[];
    var hotkeys = ck ? [[getNestedObject(ck, [0, 'modifiers'])], [getNestedObject(ck, [0, 'key'])]] : undefined;
    return hotkeys ? hilite(hotkeys, hi) : hilite(defkeys, '');

let cmds = dv.array(Object.entries(app.commands.commands))
    .where(v => getHotkey(v[1]) != '–')
    .sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc')
    .sort(v => getHotkey(v[1], false), 'asc');

dv.paragraph(cmds.length + " commands with assigned hotkeys; " +
    "non-default hotkeys <strong>bolded</strong>.<br><br>");

dv.table(["Command ID", "Name in current locale", "Hotkeys"], => [

### Commands sorted by Command ID


const getNestedObject = (nestedObj, pathArr) => {
    return pathArr.reduce((obj, key) =>
        (obj && obj[key] !== 'undefined') ? obj[key] : undefined, nestedObj);

function hilite(keys, how) {
    // need to check if existing key combo is overridden by undefining it
    if (keys && keys[1][0] !== undefined) {
        return how + keys.flat(2).join('+').replace('Mod', 'Ctrl') + how;
    } else {
        return how + '–' + how;

function getHotkey(arr, highlight=true) {
    let hi = highlight ? '**' : '';
    let defkeys = arr.hotkeys ? [[getNestedObject(arr.hotkeys, [0, 'modifiers'])],
    [getNestedObject(arr.hotkeys, [0, 'key'])]] : undefined;
    let ck = app.hotkeyManager.customKeys[];
    var hotkeys = ck ? [[getNestedObject(ck, [0, 'modifiers'])], [getNestedObject(ck, [0, 'key'])]] : undefined;
    return hotkeys ? hilite(hotkeys, hi) : hilite(defkeys, '');

let cmds = dv.array(Object.entries(app.commands.commands))
    .sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc');

dv.paragraph(cmds.length + " commands currently enabled; " +
    "non-default hotkeys <strong>bolded</strong>.<br><br>");

dv.table(["Command ID", "Name in current locale", "Hotkeys"], => [
