Create links only once that humans, Obsidian and Dataview can use

Use case or problem

I want to be able to do the following:

  • Define a property only once (like a name, a set of keywords, …)
  • That propert can be a link (name: [[Peter Parker]])
  • That property can be picked up by Humans, Dataview and Obsidian
    ** Humans should be able to read it, use it inside the note (in tables, in bullet points, …), change it, click on it (if it’s a link)
    ** Dataview should be able to find it
    ** Obsidian should be able to see it as a link in outgoing links and for the graph view

Proposed solution

This issue:

made a very good point:

keywords: ["[[Building]]", "[[Tower]]"]

This allows you to formulate Links inside the YAML part and later use them in the note for them to be clickable. This makes them readable and interactable by
[ ] Obsidian

Now all we need is Obsidian to accept these as links in the graph view and “outgoing links” (as it partially does already, they are clickable)

Current workaround (optional)


keywords: ["[[Building]]", "[[Tower]]"]

Works for 2/3 Targets. Until i find something better, I’d suggest this and hope Obsidian fills the last 1/3.

Others have worked around it to get Obsidian and Dataview back in the loop, but now the human can’t reuse them on the note without redefining them:

- creation:: 2023-01-21T18:55:12
- author:: [[John Doe]]
- parents:: [[Note]], [[Another note]]
- status:: #MayBePartial
created:: 2023-01-26
updated:: 2023-01-26
type:: [[Research]]
rating:: 3
parents:: [[Parent1]], [[Parent2]]


## Abstract

Related feature requests (optional)

Similar requests:
The best case already made for the Topic:





A combination of the=this.keywords usage with the hidden text block might already be a 3/3 solution here:

keywords:: [[Building]], [[Tower]]

Will further test this.

First findings:


won’t work.

url:: [Create links only once that humans, Obsidian and Dataview can use](

works, but the question stands if that’s true to a value expected by “url::”

Another important contribution: