Better canvas features

I have several problems.

  1. The arrow are to stiff for small stuff.
  2. some arrows locking like they are two way because I attached a other arrow on the same connection point like where I started a other one.

  3. It would be cool if there is a ability to click on a item and getting highlighted all connections to other and from other fields
  4. a arrow design without connection point would be better.
  5. a ability to draw your own arrow connections
  6. a way so empathize that a arrow is not connected to a field where the arrow goes true (just something visible that the arrow line getting braked at the field)

Please search for similar requests and use the feature request template. Thanks.

Iā€™m not sure, but in theory you could make them thinner with CSS. I once used CSS to disable dynamic adjustment of arrows thickness depending on zoom, so making the arrows a bit thinner should be possible too.

You can try adding a shadow or a glow effect with CSS to the arrows to visually separate them from each other and create a sense of depth and overlap between one arrow and another.

Canvas: Visually isolating hovered card and its connected cards with other cards?

LMB on arrow > Line direction > Nondirectional?
24-12-2024 (121)

Iā€™m not sure I understand it correctly, but maybe:

Now Canvas has quite limited functionality, you should probably take a closer look at the Excalidraw plugin, it has a lot more freedom.

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