Authorized Version (KJV) with some unique features



A King James (Authorized Version) text that is formatted for import into an Obsidian vault.

It uses Obsidian markdown, block reference, and LaTeX features to approximate the original print as much as possible.


  1. One chapter per note, one verse per line.
  2. Uses obsidian block references for linking and embedding verses.
  3. Navigational links: Previous/Next chapter links.
  4. italicized words to indicate translation additions
  5. YHWH formatted LORD as in the original print
  6. original print paragraph markings and chapter notes
  7. KJV Cambridge
  8. _index and Book index pages


  1. Download the current release and extract locally
  2. Copy av into your obsidian vault.
### Chapter link
[[Genesis 1]]

### Verse Link
[[Genesis 1#^1]]

### Verse Link With Alias
[[Genesis 1#^4|Genesis 1:4]]

### Verse Transclusion
![[Malachi 4#^5]]
![[Malachi 4#^6]]

### Chapter Transclusion
![[1 John 3#1 John 3]]


The default Obsidian theme (and most themes) create excess whitespace around transcluded verses. I use the following CSS in a snippet to make notes with transcluded scriptures look nicer.

.markdown-embed-title { display:none; }
.markdown-preview-view .markdown-embed-content p:first-child { margin: 0 !important;}
.markdown-preview-view .markdown-embed-content p:last-child { margin: 0 !important;}

.markdown-preview-view .markdown-embed, .markdown-embed .markdown-preview-view {
    padding:0px 15px 0px 3px !important;
    margin:0 !important;
    max-height: unset !important;

/* the link on the top right corner */
.markdown-embed-link {
    top: 3px !important;
    right: 5px !important;
    padding:0 !important;
    margin:0 !important;




Note, this is only the King James Version. For a setup that lets you manage multiple translations, @Joschua 's Bible Study in Obsidian Kit is what you want.


Many thanks, you’ve saved me (and many others I’m sure) a tremendous amount of prep time and work. Now before I go too far, I’m curious what your workflow will be to enter notes (such as those in a wide margin Bible) or linking to other material, etc? In short, how are you using this daily?


I’m curious what your workflow will be to enter notes (such as those in a wide margin Bible) or linking to other material

I link to or embed (transclude) the scriptures from notes on sermons or devotions, as you see in the “Usage” section above. The other way I link or embed scriptures quickly is via [[^^ which lets you full-text-search based on phrases or words you remember.

The av-obsidian project uses a generic source format for the scripture text and transforms it into the release format - indexes, chapter-per-file, verse-per-line, backlink references, etc. I’ve gone through multiple iterations of how to structure the text in obsidian. As a result, I don’t put notes in the source text and only link into it so I can change the representation later. A previous iteration had book-per-file and chapters separated by headings.

This will probably sound like a dumb question, but when I put the av folder into my vault, I don’t see where the actual scriptures are. I see that there is a file called av.input, but I don’t know how to open it so that it shows up in my vault.

Check out the install instructions in the readme and in the parent post. The files you want are in the release archive, not the github repo.

Thank you! That worked!


Thank you so much for this @pmbauer :pray: Must have took a lot of time…

If possible (don’t know how hard this would be), but it would be so good if we could link to a series of verses (as opossed to one chapter or one link, only). For example: Romans 9^6-9

Again, thank you very much to sharing this with us!

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That would be nice. As far as I know, that isn’t possible with Obsidian out-of-the box. I think the best you can do would be to use a text expander tool or the templater plugin to generate a list of links.

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Oh, one other way I’ve done is to link to the first verse, but use the alias feature - [[link|alias]] - to at least say what the range would be if we could link a range.

For example

[[Romans 9#^6|Romans 9:6-9]]

Will render in live preview and preview as Romans 9:6-9.
The link will take you to Romans 9:6

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Thank you @pmbauer

I get this, when I add the “|” :frowning:

Remember the # as in [[Romans 6#^9]]

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Hm, same?

PS: Oh, I need the plugin you mentioned? :smiley:
PPS: I installed the plugin. Same :slight_smile:

The verse references are just block links

Oh, one other thing:

If you are on a fast laptop, the auto-complete will populate quickly. If your laptop is a little on the slow side, I’ve seen it take up to 1 minute for the auto-complete to work for #^ style links after an obsidian restart.

See Eagerly Populate Full Text Reference Search On Startup

You don’t need the plugin for the auto-complete

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Got it. So it can link only to one block at a time. Man, that would have been so awesome :smiley: Thank you for your help @pmbauer

PS: I don’t have the slow problem.

Ah I see where the confusion was. After typing | yes, the autocomplete won’t know what to do there. Just ignore it and type in like this.

CleanShot 2023-05-16 at 12 51 04

Cool. It previews 6, it gets me to 6 when I click, and it shows as Romans 9:6-9. Good enough! Appreciate it @pmbauer :pray:

Though this isn’t a solution, but rather an interim measure, consider using both the [alias] feature (as suggested) &/or the [Hover Editor] plugin so that you can see the entire chapter (in a small pop-up of the page) while still having the linked verse highlighted… it’s what I do to accept the lack of a better solution.

I believe I had the same problem when I initially started using this Markdown Bible. What I found to work was pressing the [Tab] key to autocomplete, while still staying in the “[[]]” so that you can then immediately add the “|” character for the alias entry, without having to go back into them.

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