Zotero Integration – Import Templates?

“There was quite a bit of setting up to do in the List Callout plugin settings, which I am happy to post my settings if people are interested.”

Great template, compliments. Do you mind sharing the List Callout plugin settings?


I get this as well! Do someone has a solution for this?

Hi Apfelstrudelig,

I love your template! The only problem I have is that my ‘highlight’ boxes appear grey in my case. Any idea how to fix this?

@EGARAY I am interested to see your List Callout plugin settings.

Can you provide me the meaning of

Zotero Strings

  1. “sm”: “sm” : Summary
  2. “df”: “&df” : Definitions
  3. “pr”: “!pr” : Purpose
  4. “am”: “!am” : Aim
  5. “hp”: “!hp” : Hypothesis
  6. “cg”: “!cg” :
  7. “cb”: “!cb” :
  8. “sb”: “$sb” :
  9. “pt”: “$pt” :
  10. “in”: “$in” :
  11. “ms”: “$ms” :
  12. “sa”: “$sa”,
  13. “ot”: “$ot”,
  14. “rs”: “@rs” : Results
  15. “lc”: “~lc”,
  16. “la”: “~la”,
  17. “ld”: “~ld”,
  18. “pc”: “~pc” : ?Connection
  19. “pa”: “~pa” : ?Agree
  20. “pd”: “~pd” : ?Purple Disagree
  21. “fi”: “;fi” : Future Implications
  22. “ri”: “;ri” : Resurch Ideas
  23. “mt”: “?mt” : Misc Thoughts
  24. “fu”: “?fu” : Info to Follow Up
  25. “rf”: "%rf : Reference to Follow

Apologies if question outside the scope of this thread. But is there a way to extract both annotations and notes into one obsidian note.

Maybe there is an issue with my workflow, but I find it counter intuitive having to extract pdf annotations and then separately any notes.

  1. this I way I might actually forget to extract my Zotero notes (if any), and extract only PDF annotations.

Is there a template that will extract all with 1 click? Thanks.

If you currently have a template that imports annotations, see this comment on what to add to import notes as well (the code block): Zotero Integration – Import Templates? - #87 by Feralflora

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Thanks for that. Where can I find the most up to date version of your template, as I find it a bit hard to orientate within and across the long threads full of code :slight_smile: . It would be fantastic if the Zotero Integration Plugin had a template gallery (similar to themes) where you could easily pick a template that works for you. I understand it’s asking for impossible but it would really be fantastic. Especially for people like me who find it hard to deal with code.

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Here you go: Zotero Integration – Import Templates? - #105 by Feralflora

Btw, a template gallery sounds like a great idea. You should make a feature request on Github.

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Hey @Feralflora thanks for sharing your template. I have just started using zotero with obsidian and your template is very helpful to convert my zotero notes.
I see from the template that you are using templater (?) and dataview.
Can you tell me a bit more about how these are useful in your workflow?


How did you able to display embedded images in table query?? Mine just showing image path

@Qwxlea Thanks for the great template, however block quotes do not appear to be rendering correctly.


Also images don’t appear to save correctly and thus are not rendered in the output.


Finally, how do you get the zotero emojis

Nice template, does this have consistent block ids, or not?

Hi @soakingwombat, glad my template could be of use to you.
Welcome to the forum, by the way!

I use templater to add placeholders at the points of the note where I usually want to write (key takeaways, status, priority). This way, I can quickly jump to these points in the note using ctrl+J (j for “Jump”), in my case. You need to set your own hotkey for this.

I actually don’t use dataview inside the template. In the “Citations” callout, I have an embedded search query. This is native to Obsidian. It embeds the same search results you would find in the Search pane. See this for more details.

But I do use dataview to group and collect similar annotations across different papers / literature notes. See this comment where I shared my “Literature processing” note with dataview queries.

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Can you make a 10 second video showing us what you mean?

Thanks for the welcome and the answer!
I had a look at your comment and noticed that you mentioned the Projects plugin. I’m now playing around with both the Projects plugin and dataview to set up a reading list and summarise common themes. This is very helpful :blush:

I can also see how useful the citations callout will be for my workflow! I am running into the issue that using @<name_of_note1> in note2 means that you can’t add a link to note 1 in note 2, since that would require the text to be written as @[[<name_of_note1>]].
Do you have a work around for this or do you choose to not link the notes and just get the info in the citations callout of note1?

Thank you so much for the help! :slight_smile:

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I am very glad I could help :slight_smile:

I made the citation callout to see where I’ve cited the current piece of literature in my own writing, not to see backlinks to literature note itself. This is because you can see those backlinks in the backlinks panel.

I also use the Strange New Worlds plugin, which adds a very convenient backlink counter and viewer.

I am not entirely sure I understand the issue you raise, but it seems to stem from different expectations and different naming of the notes. In my case, my literature notes have the citekey as the file name, including the @. So I would link to a literature note like so [[@the_citekey]].


I see how you are using the citation callout now. Very nice! I also understand the mistake I was making with the @ part. Since my citekeys don’t use this, I have modified the template accordingly and everything works well now.

The SNW plugin looks good :smiley: I have added it also. If you have other suggestions for good plugins let me know. It’s been super easy to set everything up thanks to all your comments.

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Hello. I want my template to only display the first author’s surname. So far I found a way to display all surnames.
{% for a in creators %}{{a.lastName}}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
It’s probably something very easy but I am missing it. I will be very thankful for your help.

{%- if creators -%}{{creators[0].lastName}}{% endif %}
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