Widgets for Android app

Please :pray:

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I remember reading in the blog that devs will be focusing on mobile performance on this October, I really hope they notice and consider this.

+1 here !!!

+1 here as well!

same. my personal need would be a widget that can do a scrollable display or the top section of a note for view only (i.e. if i tap on it, open the app and bring me to that page.

I need it run dataview because I want it to be a task list or a status view, but I wouldn’t need it to rerun/update all the time. I could probably get by with no more than every 10 minutes.

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+1 - would love to see this, and would allow me to drop google keep.

Other suggestions for widget functionality include:

  • a single audio icon to allow for direct recording of audio notes
  • A single photo icon to allow for photos to embedded directly into notes
  • Options to integrate AI transcription/OCR in the both of the above (potentially with customisable presets, similar to how the web clipper works)