Why does Loading Workspace take so much time?

Regarding OP’s bug report, I have had somewhere around 4 minutes usually.

Experienced similar things but also experienced on a completely new install with the Obsidian (Windows Roaming and similar Linux) config folder empty that the fresh vault was already some 3000 files into indexing when the workspace decided to show.

On a fresh install you have no plugins or third party theme active, of course.
Another important piece of info: I don’t use any sync (git doesn’t count) so my folders are not in any trouble-making folders on Linux or on Windows.

I shared some of my experiences here:

My conclusion was that if I install with 1.4.16, all is okay, and subsequent asar installs don’t cause issues.
Any other fresh installer after 1.5 will cause issues.
(I have 2 installs on Linux (debian package and appimage) which I was using alternately, sometimes wiping the Obsidian config completely as well.)