I love obsidian, and I love keyboard shortcuts. I think they make me more productive. However, I find myself using the Command Palette more and more, and I realize that the reason is that I don’t know the shortcuts that I made, or even the default ones that are built in. While I’m still very productive, I just wish that there was a plugin to show me all my shortcuts in one place, as I type them(using the leader hotkey plugin and vim mode), along the lines of which-key.nvim or the associated Emacs plugin. Is there a way to do this in the current APIs, is someone doing this already, or have I just missed the plugin somewhere? Thanks!
Agreed, I would also like such a plugin.
In the meantime I took the hotkeys.json file found in the .obsidian folder on my Android phone and converted it to .txt using:
This is quite readable with some tweaking until I find a better solution:
EDITOR:swap-line-up >>> Ctrl+1
Mod key 1
EDITOR:swap-line-down >>> Ctrl+2
Mod key 2
EDITOR:toggle-fold >>> Ctrl+3
Mod key 3
EDITOR:fold-all >>> Alt+ArrowLeft
Alt key ArrowLeft
EDITOR:unfold-all >>> Alt+ArrowRight
Alt key ArrowRight
HOTKEYSPLUS-OBSIDIAN:toggle-bullet-number >>> Ctrl+4
Mod key 4
WORKSPACE:split-vertical >>> Ctrl+Shift+V
Mod Shift key V
WORKSPACE:split-horizontal >>> Ctrl+Shift+H
Mod Shift key H
OBSIDIAN-FULLSCREEN-PLUGIN:fullscreen-focus >>> Alt+F
Alt key F
WORKSPACE:close-others >>> Alt+W
Alt key W
EDITOR:focus-right >>> Ctrl+Tab
Mod key Tab
EDITOR:**focus-left ** >>> Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Mod Shift key Tab
To have the above always at hand I’m considering installing the Workbench plugin.
Interesting idea! That does seem a bit complicated at the moment, though.
This might help.
That’s not quite what I’m looking for. If you look at the attached plugins, they come up as you type, and filter hotkeys based on what you type. That’s a cool dataview, and I may put it in a dashboard for me, but it’s not quite what I’m looking for.
Yes, it is a bit complicated; after getting hotkeys.json from the .obsidian folder …
json-to-text … needs a bit of tweaking
json-to-table … produces a markdown table that I need to learn how to customize
json-to-yaml … can be folded either with my ALT+ArrowLeft hotkey or the tweaked obsidian-advanced-toolbar. (I’ll put this in the starred or workbench plugins)
Here it’s shown on my Android tablet with all keyboards blazing …
… but hopefully somebody will come up with your show as you type plugin
I created a plugin called Spacekeys that you may be interested in.