Some additional context:
I’ve been moving my notes into obsidian for the last 2 months however, frequently enough to be a nuisance I must open individual files in VS Code to edit it them. Then, once I begin editing in VS Code, I don’t jump back to Obsidian until I want to reference the graph. During the creation of notes and documentation this back and forth is ultimately what I am seeking to avoid with this plugin request.
Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll consider Foam / Dendron as possible solutions. At first glance it appears that Foam’s graphs are not “as lovely” as Obsidian’s but I digress.
Part of my ask here comes from an assumption that the graphing functionality of Obsidian should be easy to re-use – minimizing development time.
This is an interesting take, thank you for sharing how you leverage themes to create mental separations in virtual space.
Having something that is stand-alone is nice, no doubt. A large part of my ask is to address the significant limitations of Obsidian’s text editor. As an example, I have a nice table formatting plugin in VS Code, I hit a hotkey and my markdown table is sized and spaced beautifully. In Obsidian, this would need to be a feature/plugin request. Not to mention, the editor’s (current) column limits prevent me from taking the tedious approach of doing the spacing manually.
| Common Name | Account Number | Key |
| USEDEV01 | 9876543 | g0leLQ1NuYeBxtzFffIq354O |
| SOUR | 6555 | KUW2xR3UZgA5Ocx6dXr5uSFD |
Press magic hotkey and 
| Common Name | Account Number | Key |
| USEDEV01 | 9876543 | g0leLQ1NuYeBxtzFffIq354O |
| SOUR | 6555 | KUW2xR3UZgA5Ocx6dXr5uSFD |
Yes they render the same but while in the raw its hard to read, especially when a table has 10+ rows and Obsidian’s editor’s width is word-wrapping the table into a sloppy soup.
– As an aside, I use an ultrawide monitor so the editor width is even more noticeable –
Thanks for the recommendations 
In my haste to migrate things to Obsidian, I forgot to look for VS Code plugins for the graph functionality – unfortunately, logically, there would be no need to use Obsidian if these plugins worked as well or better.
For the first time ever, I thought I had a note app that would solve all my problems. I still believe Obsidian can be that app, I just need an editor with a little more horsepower.
A problem solver might ask me what am I trying to solve for; briefly stated:
- App for Windows, Mac, Linux
- I am not always writing, a portable and consistent reading experience
- Store notes in
- Syntax parity with Github markdown
- Manageable folder structure
- separation of projects – personal, work, writing
Nice to Have
- App for Android (and iOS I guess
- Portable reading and notes on the go
- Hosting
- Sharing
- for more sensitive notes - User to User or something akin to Firefox Send