Obsidian for the web with VSCode extension

What is it for?

Hi, I saw some requests for Obsidian for the web.

I’m implementing a VSCode extension, such that it can renders Graphs like Obsidian. By using VSCode.dev, we get the core Obsidian features on the web.

rich text editor image


Overall design

  • Reading markdown files: from a workspace, read files, for every file extracted the forward links inside [[…]], and parse it into a key-value data structure: filepath_string–forward_links
  • Render Graph: From data structure above, we can create an array of nodes, and an array of relations, so graph rendering is possible.
    → Currently use Neo4jd3 to render graphs with VSCode Webview API
    ( graph rendering lib is replaceable, I’d love to receive feedback on this: which lib to choose? )
  • Path resolver: in Obsidian, links & nodes only shows the filename (rarely absolute path), and to open node, we need full path, so I added this to get full path. But this have to scan all files, which cost lots of time , I disabled this at the moment.
  • URI resolver: file system (schemes, authority, base path…) is different on web, or desktop, so I added this to supports cross-platforms.

I addressed some problems, lacking features below… Not sure if I overlook anything, I’m open for feedback. Thanks in advance!

# Project helps needed

This project can currently render local graphs + global graphs, forward links only. I’d appreciate a lot if someone can join and collaborate with me (especially frontend part). Currently, some of the problems are:

  • Performance: parsing markdowns, tracking links to rendering Graph is very slow. Since parsing process starts when using run command, we may need other strategy: parse when app startup,…

  • Backlinks: currently, only forward links is supported. I recommend we have a parsing strategy first, before tackling this.

  • Path resolving for nodes: It’s doable now, but due to performance issues, I disable this part at the moment.

  • Link suggestion: when tooltip, show brief preview of that note, I think it’s doable after completing Path resolving above.

  • Frontend: I’m not really good at GUI, but adding colors, text sizes, search nodes,… is totally possible now. Currently it using VSCode Webview + Vanilla JS + Neo4jd3.js, we may need a frontend framework.

Thank you.


A bit update on the project, it work decently now.
Link: Repo.

It needs a big UI reworked, but I’m not planning to do that soon.
For now, I’ll fix any potential issues, port it to Desktop and it should be done.

The link to YT video in the original post is pointing wrongly (to edit) :slight_smile:

Obsidian on VSCode !! - Obsidian for the web - Obsidian visualizer - VSCode plugin

Cheers, Marko

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Project is useable now (both web and desktop, version 1.1.2), despite the sketchy UI.

Sorry, but I can find at least 3 open source projects. Several based on ISP, Plugin-based ones (foam and dendron?) are no different and lack sufficient time and effort to develop. Among them, the ISP-based ones are very fast because they use cpp or rust.

Yes, I’ve just realized that. Do you have links to ISP-based ones?