VS Code Plugin - The best of both worlds

After using obsidian for a while I’ve completely abandoned the habit of having many folders and get super comfortable with MOC. Thanks for the info :wink:

I wish that it was possible to use the Obsidian MD editor on MD notes external to a vault. That could be through stand alone “Obsidian Lite” app, or via an Obsidian VS Code plugin.

The need for this is that I have too many notes for them to fit into one, or even four vaults (without performance grinding to a halt), so invariably I also have lots of MD notes (not necessarily PKM notes, but just general stuff) living in my macOS file system (outside of the vaults) that I need to view/edit now and again. At present I use VS Code to do this to avoid having to introduce another MD editor (like Typora) into my workflow, but it’s jarring moving between the two editors.

Of course, this is a workaround until I can just shove all my 40K notes into one Obsidian vault and it work with the lightening speed that I currently enjoy with Obsidian.

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I do wish obsidian had a lot of the text-editing niceties of vs code - but it’s understandable given the scope of both apps. I have faith that many of these will come in time. The speed of development in obsidian is impressive.

Two related things that i’m missing and a vscode pluggin could solve is to:

  1. Create references from code comments to .md files.
  2. Create references from .md files to blocks / functions in the code

can’t you used advanced uri pluging to create links in comments to a .md file? and from obsidian to code you can use:

[some text](file://drive:/file/path/code.ts)

There are a few plugins for this.

Open Vault in VS Code
Code Editor Shortcuts
Open in Other Editor

and I am sure there are others on GitHub

The Open With plugin for Obsidian is excellent, and has the advantage of being able to open files from your vault in multiple applications, including but not limited to VS Code.

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Well in my case i want to do it the other way. I want to add reference in my code.ts comments, to .md files or sections of them.

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There are a few things that I like about VS Code more than Obsidian, so I was initially on the hunt for Obsidian plugins to make it feel more like what I wanted. That seemed to be a dead end, so then I was hoping for the same thing as the OP. That’s also clearly not an option, but in the end I found that I can make VS Code do enough things like Obsidian that it’s a better option for me. I’m sad to say that I’m going to bid Obsidian farewell for now, but I’ll check back in on occasion and see if the situation has changed. It really is a fantastic tool. This is helpful if anyone wants to go the same route: Suping Up VS Code as a Markdown Notebook — Andrew Kortina

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For people who want to keep Vscode as their work environment, i suggest to give Dendron a chance:

Just open Dendron as your workspace and add your obsidian vault to it.

Obsidian could be a simple ide, but it is better suited for pkm. Not to argue with sb, but did you notice how different and much more complex an ide, especially “Vscode” is?

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Dendron is no longer being actively developed, though someone may pick it up or fork it eventually.

true, Dendron is no longer being actively developed, but this does not mean that this plugin is broken. Over time, it may become obsolete because of better plugins for VSCode. But Dendron is ok if sb wants to stay with VSCode (and i understand that, as i use VSCode almost daily) i think it is a good suggestion.

True, although Foam, which AFAIK is still an active project, might be a better bet. Even though the docs say it was inspired by Roam, Foam appears to be based on plain .md files like Obsidian rather than blocks in an outline like Roam and Logseq.