Ultimate PKM: The M.U.M.M.Y. Method

After years of trying different PKM systems, I’ve used my accumulated knowledge to devise an eternal system for preserving notes: the M.U.M.M.Y. method. This method will enable you to keep knowledge wrapped tight in your second brain (the method can be used standalone but works best if your second brain is embedded in a J.A.R., which I’ll describe in a future post).

M.U.M.M.Y. uses 5 simple folders to organize everything: Metadata, Unorganized, Messy, Maybe, and Yes (together abbreviated as M.U.M.M.Y.). I explain them below.


Notes about notes and note systems.

For simplicity, this is also where I store my notes about notes about notes and my notes about notes about note systems. I also keep my notes about notes about notes about notes and notes about notes about notes about note systems here. (Previously I used separate MetaMetadataData and MetaMetaMetadataDataData folders.)

This is the biggest folder.


My “inbox” for quick thoughts, raw literature notes, and automated input like imported highlights. Items start here before I process them for integration into my knowledge cluster.

They are divided into subfolders for each year.


Notes created under prior systems that I haven’t converted yet. I use a subfolder for each system.

This is the second-biggest folder.


Information that might be useful someday, possible future projects, claims of uncertain truth, and notes that don’t exist.

I sort these in a numerical system. I recommend starting simple, with just 1, 2, and 3.


Notes I want to keep, projects I’ve committed to, claims I agree with, information and fanfiction about the band Yes (this is key, don’t skip it), and affirmations.


Now you know the basics of the M.U.M.M.Y. method! This method works for anyone, for any use case, anywhere, any time. It’s the ultimate system to build a rock-solid pyramid of knowledge in which to entomb your thoughts for the ages!

For more details on how to release the M.U.M.M.Y. method’s potential, sign up for my M.U.M.M.Y. workshop, subscribe to my Patreon at the “Embalmy” level, or like, share, and subscribe to my YouTomb videos.

Bonus tips for Obsidian

Tips for using the M.U.M.M.Y. Method with Obsidian:


Thank you for sharing your workflow, I can finally disorganize my organized notes.


you were so real for this


I’m glad that was noticed! :smile:

This was a great read. I use a somewhat similar method. Instead of an “Unorganized” folder mine is named “Obtuse” but the purpose is the same.


I know that this is a bit, but I do use something similar I made a couple months back.


  • Cordata = Metadata
    Guidelines on maintaining the structure. Also houses my templates.
  • Persona (personal)/Incepta (projects)/Ludicra (pastimes)= Maybe/Yes
    Notes particular to any of these subjects. I separate planned from committed things via tags instead.
  • Ordinem (sortation) = Unorganized/Messy
    My default folder for newly-created notes. I have subfolders of notes from old vaults here.

This was a good read, only realized it was completely an April Fools around the end because of my own workflow. Not sure if this joke PKM says something about it. :skull:


Your setup sounds sensible to me. M.U.M.M.Y. takes similar ideas and makes them stupider. :slightly_smiling_face: Also some of the jokes are quiet (like Metadata being the biggest folder.)

Also your folders make me think of the woman-fronted metal band Ludicra, so that’s another point in its favor.

Also everyone should check out the “Minimalister” CSS snippet that was released later today — it’s quite extraordinary. :slightly_smiling_face::wink:

Thank you for this @CawlinTeffid, I’ve had adifficult stressful day today, and I wet myself reading this, just what I needed, priceless.

Worth an award! :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

Aw, thanks! I’m glad it helped. :grinning:

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