Typomagical - A theme for typographic appreciators

Hi @gestaltist ! That looks EXTREMELY annoying :frowning: But thankfully, it should be fixable! I added an update recently for Extended Latin and I may just need to either add additional character set or add a backup font.

Could I trouble you to send some examples of characters that are not rendering correctly? I don’t know how to type that interesting L character

Oh I found it - it’s Polish? :slight_smile: Ł - Wikipedia

It is definitely interesting that this affects only your iPad and not your Mac. I’ll see what I can do :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s Polish, you got it!. This seems to be happening to some non-Polish characters, as well. I tested a few, and – for example – “á” gets rendered but “ā” doesn’t.

Some characters that don’t get rendered: ą, ę, ń, ł, ż.

Testing it further, I discovered something very weird, though! If they come first in the link, they get rendered. If they are between two other letters, though, they disappear. I also noticed that sometimes they don’t get the capitalized treatment while I type, and typically they disappear after that. It’s all very weird.

Thanks for the help. I really love your theme!

Thank you! Always glad to hear when people enjoy my simple theme amongst the much fancier themes out there :smiley:

Okay, I just pushed up a small update to the theme. I’m not quite sure if it will work, I didn’t look on an iPad yet. But even so, could you update your ipad theme and take a look?

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Absolutely. Your theme with the Vileplume setting is the best experience I’ve had with Obsidian :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: One suggestion though: you might add explicit info that the Plugin “Style Settings” is needed to change the color scheme. Took me a while to figure it out.

And yes, whatever you did worked. This problem was also there on the iPhone (I don’t use Obsidian much on the iPhone so I didn’t notice at first), and your update fixed it on both iPad and iPhone.

Out of curiosity: what was the problem?

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Oh I’m so glad you like Vileplume! On looking at the theme again in the marketplace it’s certainly not clear there are style settings, I’ll have to make a new thumbnail!

The problem was subtle and weird as you noticed. On links, the font is called “Spectral SC”, with “Spectral” as a backup if characters are missing. Windows Mac and Android seemed happy to switch to the backup, but it seems iPad was not happy to do that. To fix it I had to add the Latin Extended character set of Spectral SC to the theme. This increases the theme download size a bit, but for Obsidian I think that’s okay :slight_smile: Thank you again for helping me improve the theme!

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Hi hungsu. I would like to raise one more topic: H1 titles. The fonts you’ve chosen all seem to not be full Unicode fonts which is a bummer because my Polish characters look bad:

As you can see, Polish characters are not the same size as the rest, and this is true of all three fonts you make available for H1 headings. Any chance to add a proper Unicode font in there?

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Hi, this theme is awesome! Love it!

It seems that there hasn’t been any font family assigned for CJK words yet. I think Source Han Serif or simply KaiTi would look great. Just a small suggestion : )

headings and the main body are Source Han Serif and the internal links are in KaiTi

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Hi @gestaltist , I can look later today! Could you send me that snippet of text? Jak wytrwac w nawyku po poczatkowym opanowaniu - this will make it a bit easier for me to confirm my fix works!

Sure, here’s the text: Jak wytrwać w nawyku po początkowym opanowaniu go? Thanks for taking a look at it.

Should work now for all three title fonts! Please take a look :slight_smile:

Wow, you’re absurdly fast with your fixes. Sure enough, it works perfectly now. You gained my loyalty now. :slight_smile: I’m deleting all the other themes from my vault.

One side note: personally I feel that the default size of titles is too big, and I scaled it down to Major Second. It would have been fine if Obsidian were a longform writing app but since it’s a notes app, humongous titles were a little jarring to me. But this is the only nitpick I could find in your otherwise gorgeous and well thought-out theme, and since it’s customizable, who cares. :slight_smile:


Hi @hungsu,
I am also a lover of your theme. There is only one little thing that could possibly be fixed. As in many other themes, the header font size is different in edit and preview mode (it’s bigger in edit mode). I have no idea why this is the case. Because I work most of the time in edit mode, I would really appreciate if the header font size could be made the same in edit as it is in preview.

Thanks for considering.

Obsidian works well as a longform writing app, and there’s case for notes being sections in a longform file rather than multiple files.

Obsidian is flexible enough to work as almost anything, including a database. But officially, it’s marketed as a second brain/knowledge base system which is typically geared towards atomic notes.

If you look at the discussions on this forum, the amount of people who use Obsidian for longform writing constitutes a small percentage of the user base. I think the defaults of the theme should cater to the average user, not to the outlier.

But as I said, it’s a customizable setting, so it was more of an offhand comment

Hi there!

I’ve never had to think about typography in other languages before! Source Han is an incredible family of fonts and I’m enjoying reading about the research and thought that went into it Source Han Serif

I’ve made note of your request over here and will think about this when I can

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Aww! You definitely don’t have to delete other themes but I’m very flattered :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As you might have guessed my notes tend to be longer and this being my theme the larger font size is my default, though I use Minor Second on my phone. Choosing a default always means some group of people losing out, so the simplest answer for me is to choose myself, and i’ll be devoting my time to other things like fixes and my next release

The slight jumpiness of headings annoys me too. I’m hoping to stomp it all down in my next major release :slight_smile:

Makes sense. It’s your theme so it should serve you, first and foremost.

BTW, I’m afraid that this last fix broke Wiki links again on mobile. Same problem as I had before with missing characters. Sorry to give you so much work. :slight_smile: I hope it’s easy to fix again.

Coding is a game of whack-a-mole! I pushed out a potential fix - but it makes the lower case letters of links taller. Let me know if it works for you

If it’s still broken, I think I will leave it, as my planned next release will be changing links anyway