Todoist Sync Plugin (v1.8.0)

Is there a keyboard shortcut to add a Todoist task? or other syntax? The documentation was not clear on how to go about adding it. By the way v0.10.6 seems to have broken the plug in for me. My other computer is using 10.5 and it works perfectly.

Adding Todoist tasks is done through Obsidian commands, so you can either:

Each of the commands that are exposed by the plugin are documented in the readme.

As for the v0.10.6 breaking the plugin, can you provide more detail in what way its broken? Iā€™m currently running v0.10.6 and it seems to be okay.


It is working now in v0.10.6. I am not sure what happened but all is good now. Thanks for the info on adding a task. That works for me as well. Great plugin I use every day!

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Sigh. Thanks!

I just revisited the plugin after having the same frustration. Maybe itā€™s v1.6.0, or maybe it was dumb luck, but the plugin now works for me. Whatā€™s the difference? Well, I added a line break [return] above the todoist code. Yep, that was it, and the plugin now works flawlessly.

Iā€™m not technically capable of understanding why, but give that a try.

Hey all, just released v1.7.0 which contains some new features. Notably, any Markdown in your task content will now be rendered! Please let me know if you run into any oddities with this feature!

You can checkout the full release notes on GitHub!


@jamiebrynes7 Thank you for this plugin! This is doing exactly what I needed it to do: Give me my project management tasks list in Obsidian without having to continue switching back and forth. Thank you so muchā€“enjoying the plugin!

@jamiebrynes7 hi Jamie. Thanks for all these. Also wonder if comment icon can be shown as well? I think itā€™s a good indicator to tell if there are more detail to read over on Todoist side.

Apologies if this is a stale thread but just wanted to share this with anyone interested.

I created a GitHub repo that contains some CSS snippets to accompany the Todoist sync plugin that makes the tasks in Obsidian look more like Todoist tasks.

Hereā€™s the repo:

Disclaimer: While I am quite knowledgeable with CSS I do hold my hands up and say it could be implemented a lot more efficiently :sweat_smile: Iā€™ve taken the colors directly from Todoist so if nothing else you can copy those :+1:


Itā€™s great!
Thanks @mishacreatrix

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Wow! This looks very good already.

I would love to be able to do this. My problem, I donā€™t have a clue as to how you accomplish this with the code you incert in the top. That is all another language for me so to speak.

I also donā€™t understand the setup process.

Reading through the plugin, I also see it must not be supported on my device.

Thank you for all your hard work. I may give it a go on the Mac.

Really nice!

Iā€™m insert some changes in my new snippets, based on your CSS. The changes was:

  • Query title is removed (this is redudant for me)
  • Define the sections with more style


I love this plugin.
The functionality Iā€™m looking for is to save per day in my diary, the tasks done, and then filter. But Iā€™m interested in the ones done per day, and save them in a note. any suggestions?

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Hola, quiero hacer lo mismo.
ĀæLo pudiste hacer? Thnks

Iā€™m loving the plugin! It took me a minute to get it working. But itā€™s all good now. Iā€™m curious if itā€™s possible to only show a specific task from todoist?

For example Iā€™d love to be able to show the Core Transformation task on the Core Transformation template.



EDIT: I got it working! Thatā€™s what happens when you read the documentation haha


@jamesbrynes7 Thanks so much for this plugin. Itā€™s been working great, and a key part of my workflow. I recently disabled the plugin when I was moving to mobile - but now I canā€™t get it work on my mac anymore. Iā€™m on the latest version, and Iā€™ve tried updating the API key from Todoist, but no success.

Iā€™ve noticed that they ā€˜todoist-tokenā€™ file doesnā€™t update the API key when I update in the settings section of the plugin. Iā€™ve updated it manually in the file explorer, but without luck.

Thank you for your help as always.

Wonderful plugin!! Thanks @jamesbrynes7. Now that the Obsidian mobile app is available for iOS, are there any plans for making this Todoist plugin available for use on iPhone/iPad?

If itā€™s useful, we recently posted a fork of the plugin that enables mobile compatibility. Requires manual installation on iOS and iPadOS. Details here.


Hey all,

Just released v1.8.0 which contains mobile support for the plugin along with some other fun features. Checkout the full release notes on GitHub!

Big thanks to @viticci for providing a forked version with support in the meantime!


For anyone who may be interested: I am currently working on a service that aims to make productivity tools work better together. The first apps I want to tackle are Obsidian and Todoist.

It is not about an alternative for this (very good) plugin, but maybe a companion. From what I have seen so far, this plugin mainly tries to build a Todoist frontend within Obsidian, so you do not have to switch apps.

I would like to combine Obsidian and Todoist in some other cool ways. For an early example maybe check this tweet.

Now, I am looking for people who are users of both apps, to talk about possible features and to test early versions.

If this is you, let me know :slight_smile:
