Todoist Sync Plugin (v1.8.0)

I love this plugin. I just started with this but can’t figure out how to do a simple thing. I am asking because I don’t see it in the plugin explainer. if it’s not possible, I’ll open an issue on Git repo for a new feature.

I’m taking meeting notes and getting tasks assigned to me. I want to make tasks and write them to Todoist. Ok, simple you say… I have done that figured out… but what I would like is to have that task inside my meeting note as a link to Todoist task, which I cant figure how to do.

The sequence is:

  • New Note > Create Task via plugin > click Add > Task is created in Todoist > a link to task is placed in note.

Without that link, my meeting notes make no sense because they would not have the tasks that came from the meeting because they’re now in todoist.

I know that I could add a page from Todoist into my notes but these tasks are necessarily grouped together in a specific project or due date…

If I missed how to do this… I apologize, just point me in the right direction!

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Looks really cool! I’m definitely interested in this. I just requested early access on your site.

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This definitely looks like a very interesting and useful plugin! Thank you for your efforts, @jamiebrynes7!

After a pretty brief test run, here are some wishes which you may have heard already:

  1. I was testing a use case where tasks were shown in today’s Daily Note, and hoped that plugin could somehow copy finished tasks into that Daily Note, leaving a ‘task log’ in Obsidian.

  2. I am dividing my Daily Notes into sections using Obsidian’s header level tags and was wondering if the “name” input in integration code block could be optional.



I also have this problem. Is there any solution?

I accidentally hit on a solution. When I copied the code, it included a “markdown” line.
That happens when you copy the code.
But if you copy “as plain text”, the code is copied differently, without the markdown line(s).
And it works!

Seconding ari.kontiainen and mikekanakos’ requests regarding having some breadcrumb showing a task was added with reference to a particular note!

I couldn’t get the lugin to work for me. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or I haven’t understood what the plugin can do. I understand that I can synchronize my tasks created in todoist with Obsidian and those created in Obsian with Todosit? . I have followed all the steps when activating the plugin, I have copied the string into a note, I have done everything but nothing is synchronized. can you help me?

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I’m really glad I came across this as I could not get @jamiebrynes7 CSS to work at all as a CSS snippet. Yours styles the checkboxes just as I want, but I cannot get the due date to appear right-justified and inline with the task name - see screenshot.

Do you know what change I might need to make?

I am using chetachi’s Yin and Yang theme.


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Hey, love this. Super helpful for me to be able to see in one place. Curious if there is a sorting option for the date created? I have looked at the Todoist API page but could not find anything?

Hi Jamie, any chances to update the plugin to use the new live preview?

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How do you ignore a specific file with Obsidian Sync (e.g. ToDoist token)?

I can see the folder option under settings, but not specific files in .obsidian.


Amazing plugin!

Is it possible to sync todoist tasks to the obsidian calendar?

What do you mean by this, exactly? What is the behaviour you want?

Hi, I would love this to work fully but I can’t…

I am a long-time user of Todoist but a novice in Obsidian (and not a programmer), so please bear with me :slight_smile:

When embedding

"name": "Today & Overdue"
"filter": "(today | overdue)"

I get

Error: Query was not valid JSON: Unexpected string in JSON at position 23.

I have looked around on the internet to find a solution, but to no avail.

As for troubleshooting, I know there is communication going well between the plugin and Todoist, because I can create tasks in Todoist via the Obsidian command line.
I have also tried changing the filter to “(p1)” or “(today)”, but it gives the same error.
I have also tried to uninstall and reinstall the plugin.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you!

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You need a comma between key/value pairs for valid JSON. Try:

"name": "Today & Overdue",
"filter": "(today | overdue)"

Thank you so much!

Thank you!!! Same position as OP, still learning…

Thanks so much for making this @jamiebrynes7 ! Quick question for you, on the demo linked to your github the todoist list you get in obsidian looks very similar to an embedded todoist list appearance wise.

However, the todoist list I get (and what like the other users have posted in the thread) looks quite a bit worse and isn’t able to show priority through coloring. Do you know why this is?



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Thank you for this @jamiebrynes7. I have been running it successfully to show my ‘Today’ tasks in Obdidian for some time. However I have a ToDoist top-level project “ToDo Sometime” and a filter named ‘TDS’ with a filter query ‘#ToDo Sometime’. which works as expected in ToDoist. But when I try to access it via the Obsidian plugin with the following:

"name": "ToDo Sometime",
"filter": "TDS"

I get "Error: There’s a problem with your filter: “Unrecognized symbol TDS”

What am I doing wrong? Is this a ToDoist issue?

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@SKH did you ever find an answer to your question? I have the same one. I wonder if there is a CSS snippet some users are using?