In quick switcher, I hope to see note names, but phygical file names.
1. Use case or problem
to selecting a note in quick switcher.
for example:
- daily_path/2020-10-31
- zettelkasten_path/202010311011 TheNoteNameA
- zettelkasten_path/202010201221 TheNoteNameB
- zettelkasten_path/202009211411 TheNoteNameC
- zettelkasten_path/201912311011 TheNoteNameD
- normal_note_path/NoteA
- normal_noet_path/arch/NoteB
- NoteC
- other_path/NoteD
2. Proposed solution
the samples would be changed to:
- (d)2020-10-31 <- this means the day.
- (z)1011 TheNoteNameA
- (z)201221 TheNoteNameB
- (z)09211411 TheNoteNameC
- (z)201912311011 TheNoteNameD
- (n)NoteA
- (n)arch/NoteB
- NoteC
- other_path/NoteD
(d), (z) and (n) are symbols.
configruration about symbols:
- (d) - daily_path/, or daily_path/YYYY-
- (z) - zettelkasten_path/YYYYMMDD
- (z) - zettelkasten_path/YYYYMM
- (z) - zettelkasten_path/YYYY
- (n) - normal_note_path/
if possible, I hope emoji for symboles.
for sample: 、、、、、
3. Current workaround (optional)
I use short names for the pathes.
4. Related feature requests (optional)
Add star symbol to starred notes
- this is similar to my feature request.
Download Implementable Alias feature using Python
- It looks easy for someone to created a plugin from this.
- Wolud this be available on obsidian v0.9.6?