Support checkboxes in tables

I’m interested in this feature as well. I need to keep track of daily habits for life and work. Currently, whenever I select the checkbox, the check disappears the next time I return…

I literally just logged in to create this request…

checkboxes and bullets in tables would be excellent so I could finally ditch One Note for tracking my projects…


This is very needed. I noticed, with the new table editor, if you click on the table cell with the "- [ ]" in it, you will see the checkbox in editor and even can click it. But if you click out of the table, you will see the "- [x]" instead of checkbox again. So basically the checking functionality is already covered, only proper rendering is missing.


I’ve noted the same. 3 weeks on an counting. Hopefully resolved the next release!

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Created this account to just say that I want this feature! Please allow us to have checkboxes in tables.

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Just started using Obsidian, and this annoyance took me about 5 minutes to encounter. :frowning: Hope we can see an implementation of this shortly.


I want to add my voice to the others. I could REALLY use this feature.