I love the local graph. It gives a better overview over a specific topic than the general graph. However, one thing I’ve noticed is that if I’m looking at the local graph of page A, which uses tag B, while page C also has tag B, page C is not visible in the local graph, no matter the depth. I think this would be pretty useful, since it helps you find related topics which haven’t been directly linked.
Proposed solution
If tags are enabled in the filters, and depth is more than 1, show pages which share tags with the page of the local graph. It already works in the general graph, but I think it would be useful to have this in the local graph as well.
I support this request. This will allow to use tags instead of zero-links aka hubs (which are displayed in local graph correctly), which is more convenient in my opinion.
It is what I needed. I tried dataview to list all pages with certain tags but it didn’t work. Because the query results from dataview won’t show in local/global graph.