Show number of backlink mentions on file explorer view

When browsing the file explorer it would be good to get some kind of indicator (maybe a bubble with a number). It would be a good way of highlighting a file if you see a high number of occurrences (backlinks) from it to other documents (connectedness).

For example maybe I add a document called white Russian and in it I have vodka as a back link. I then see that there’s a bubble with a number 10 next to it because vodka also features in a lot of other recipes.

This would quickly answer questions like “what relationship does this document have to other documents”. It would be cool to pop it as highlighted nodes and paths in the graph view.


Do you mean number of backlinks (= links pointing to this file) or number of links contained in this file, pointing to other files?
People sometimes confuse (forward) links with backlinks. Following formulations suggest, this might be the case.

number of occurrences (backlinks) from it to other documents

document called white Russian and in it I have vodka as a back link.

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