Show callout heading in outline

Use case

Related to my request about being able to link to callout headings, it would be useful to have callout headings show up in a list. That way, when scanning the outline, one can quickly find the important, info, or summary callout one is looking for.

Proposed solution

The callout headings could show up (and maybe stand out in their colour codes?) in the existing document outline, and there might be a button in the outline to show (filter) just ordinary headings or callout headings. Alternatively, there might be a separate callout list with filters for different types of callout.

Current workaround (optional)

At the moment, I just scan the outline to guess the right section, then scan the note section to find the callout I am looking for (they stand out, which makes it easier).

Related feature requests (optional)

Link to callout heading


+1 to this. This will be a very good addition.

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Signed up to +1 this.

To add to the proposed solution, it could also just be a toggle in the settings “Include Callouts in Outline”

+1 Headings inside Callouts are not real headings thats why they arent searchable or referenceable.

I suggest the devs change it so we can use callouts directly as headings.

And that headings inside callouts are treated as real headings.

I am in the process of using callouts as headings because its way easier to remember where you are when you see the color outline.


+1 this will help for large notes enjoyers/class note takers

+1 this would be super useful for my school and research notes!