Share your Minimal Theme screenshots/configuration

Can anyone point me in the right direction to style the vertical file name bar. I am using Minimal in light mode. Is it possible to have the bar in a different tint? Many thanks.

Screenshot 2022-07-27 at 08.13.39

You do that using the style settings plugin.

How did you get the Recently Created and Recently Edited components on your sidebar?
I like the color scheme and spacing.

I created a note with the dataview code and attached it to the sidebar.

I have changed my color theme to something with much more contrast (used a contrast calculator for this).

This Dashboard on the first screenshot is fully automated and entirely based on code.

On this second screenshot are two examples of my notes.


What color are links to files that haven’t been made yet?

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I haven’t specified any particular color for that because I don’t create links to files that don’t exist.

Could you share the name of the font you are using and the colours being used here?

Yeah sure.

Interface and Text font: Be Vietnam Pro
Headings font: Montserrat
Monospace font: Fira Mono
Editor font: my customized version of the Input font (

All other fonts are available on

My style settings for the Minimal theme:

  "minimal-style@@embed-strict": true,
  "minimal-style@@active-line-on": true,
  "minimal-style@@active-line-bg@@dark": "#282A2E",
  "minimal-style@@icon-color-active@@dark": "#81A2BE",
  "minimal-style@@hl1@@dark": "#373B41",
  "minimal-style@@tx1@@dark": "#DCDBD8",
  "minimal-style@@tx2@@dark": "#DCDBD8",
  "minimal-style@@hl2@@dark": "#5D0100",
  "minimal-style@@tx3@@dark": "#969896",
  "minimal-style@@text-italic@@dark": "#C8F7C5",
  "minimal-style@@text-bold@@dark": "#FF6699",
  "minimal-style@@h1-color@@dark": "#00F8FB",
  "minimal-style@@h2-color@@dark": "#00F8FB",
  "minimal-style@@h1-l": true,
  "minimal-style@@h1-variant": "small-caps",
  "minimal-style@@h2-variant": "small-caps",
  "minimal-style@@h2-l": true,
  "minimal-style@@h3-color@@dark": "#6495ED",
  "minimal-style@@h4-color@@dark": "#BF55EC",
  "minimal-style@@h5-color@@dark": "#FFFACD",
  "minimal-style@@h6-color@@dark": "#FFFACD",
  "minimal-style@@ax1@@dark": "#19B5FE",
  "minimal-style@@ax2@@dark": "#1198D8",
  "minimal-style@@ui2@@dark": "#373B41",
  "minimal-style@@red@@dark": "#CC6666",
  "minimal-style@@orange@@dark": "#DE935F",
  "minimal-style@@yellow@@dark": "#F0C674",
  "minimal-style@@green@@dark": "#B5BD68",
  "minimal-style@@cyan@@dark": "#8ABEB7",
  "minimal-style@@blue@@dark": "#81A2BE",
  "minimal-style@@purple@@dark": "#B294BB",
  "minimal-style@@node-focused@@dark": "#FF0069",
  "minimal-style@@node-tag@@dark": "#FF7400",
  "minimal-style@@node-attachment@@dark": "#62BC91",
  "minimal-style@@node-unresolved@@dark": "#FF2600",
  "minimal-style@@node@@dark": "#F2F2EA",
  "minimal-advanced@@window-title-on": false,
  "minimal-style@@bg-translucency-light": 1,
  "minimal-style@@node@@light": "#000000",
  "minimal-style@@node-focused@@light": "#CC00FF",
  "minimal-style@@minimal-strike-lists": true,
  "minimal-style@@list-spacing": 0,
  "minimal-style@@show-grabber": true,
  "minimal-style@@icon-muted": 0.9,
  "minimal-style@@icon-color-hover@@dark": "#81A2BE",
  "minimal-style@@title-alignment": "title-align-left",
  "minimal-style@@title-color@@dark": "#FF7383",
  "minimal-style@@h3-variant": "normal",
  "minimal-style@@h4-variant": "normal",
  "minimal-style@@h5-variant": "small-caps",
  "minimal-style@@h6-variant": "all-small-caps",
  "minimal-style@@ax3@@dark": "#C5C8C6",
  "minimal-style@@checkbox-shape": "checkbox-square",
  "minimal-style@@font-code": "16px",
  "minimal-style@@bg1@@dark": "#1D1F21",
  "minimal-style@@h1-style": "normal",
  "minimal-style@@tab-style": "tab-style-2",
  "minimal-style@@sidebar-lines-off": false,
  "minimal-style@@row-lines": true,
  "minimal-style@@col-lines": false,
  "minimal-style@@table-lines": false,
  "minimal-style@@row-alt": false,
  "minimal-style@@col-alt": false,
  "minimal-style@@table-tabular": false,
  "minimal-style@@table-numbers": false,
  "minimal-style@@table-nowrap": false,
  "minimal-style@@h1-font": "\"Montserrat\"",
  "minimal-style@@h2-font": "\"Montserrat\"",
  "minimal-style@@h3-font": "\"Montserrat\"",
  "minimal-style@@h4-font": "\"Montserrat\"",
  "minimal-style@@h5-font": "\"Montserrat\"",
  "minimal-style@@h6-font": "\"Montserrat\"",
  "minimal-style@@bg3@@dark": "#373B41",
  "minimal-style@@ui3@@dark": "#373B41",
  "minimal-style@@text-code@@dark": "#D3D3D3",
  "minimal-style@@title-color-inactive@@dark": "#C5C8C6",
  "minimal-style@@ui1@@dark": "#373B41",
  "minimal-style@@bg2@@dark": "#282A2E",
  "minimal-style@@icon-color@@dark": "#969896",
  "minimal-style@@text-blockquote@@dark": "#969896",
  "minimal-style@@bg-translucency-dark": 1,

Screenshot of the same note with reading and editor view:


Thank you, that was most helpful.

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For those using ‘text labels for primary navigation’ and would like to add color to the icons, you can use the attached snippet, also available as a gist here. It will make things look like this:

nav_icons_color.css (1.6 KB)


How are you styling the items on the right? The color and also the icons?

Hi, how to remove vertical line in the folder level on the left pane?

I have applied the Ayu theme (Mirage colors) to Minimal. I really like how it looks.


Could you please share what your settings are? Your setup looks amazing!

I like this clean vibe, what font are you using here?

Ooh this one is dope too. Found the mirage Ayu theme, but there’s so many options! Did you just change each option separately one by one? :sweat_smile:

Looks great! I will add Ayu to Minimal in the next version.

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That is a great idea ! I’m sure it will look even better than my configuration.
EDIT: Yep, I was right. The yellow buttons are dope.

For those who have asked, this is the version from the screenshot.

Sorry for the late reply, but I had some health issues.
The editor font is Input. The application font, I don’t really remember. I mostly use “Be Vietnam Pro” and “Rubik”. The heading fonts are in the JSON i have just shared.