Restore panel size to previous state when closing another panel

Obsidian panels are great, but I’m resizing them dozens of times throughout the day. That’s because when I close a panel, the remaining panels revert back to a standard size.

It would be much better if the panels go back to their previous size. That is, the size they had before opening a new panel.


By default I work in the left panel, and use the smaller right panel for reading and browsing:

But now I open a new panel from the left panel. This new panel becomes the middle panel:

After I’m done with the newest panel, I close it. But now my panels don’t go back to their previous size:

Now I have to resize them by hand again. It would be more productive if I can just continue typing. :slight_smile:

(I searched the forum but didn’t a discussion similar to this thread. But I might have used the wrong search phrase. Let me know if I overlooked something!)


I’m having the same issue - I keep a calendar pane pinned to the upper left of my workspace and when I create/destroy panes I end up with a calendar half the width of my screen, have to manually resize

Having panes go back to their previous size would solve it, as would Open in a new pane (with ctrl/cmd-click) should be open in the "other" pane - #2 by bruab

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Same issue here. Is there some way to keep some panes size static?

This is a +1 for me. I work on many different files per day, but I have a couple of panes I would like static (e.g. DailyNote, Local Graph, Graph, etc.) and then working panes.

I spend a good amount of time grabbing the vertical border and realigning things, only having to do it again in 5 minutes when I move on to the next thing/file.

Saved workspace is fine at the outset, but every time I open new files or close files, everything moves.

Since I’m relatively new, I’m not sure if I’m just not understanding the UI, but the constant rebalancing of panes is…well…a pain.


How do I vote up this feature request? Much needed.

+1 on this, especially as there is not yet a convenient hotkeyable shortcut to open links in new windows - I have been working around by opening links in new panes via hotley and then hotkeying the move pane to new window but this process changes my existing pane spacing.

+1 from me too

+1 Yes please! Every time I open and close Outlines I lose my sizing and it’s quite distracting