Read-only Google Calandar via ICS without Daily Notes?

App passwords are not possible. This doesn’t pass security. So,
GitHub - YukiGasai/obsidian-google-calendar: Add Google Calendar inside Obsidian isn’t possible.

This leaves using Google ICS support, a safer, read-only approach:

However, GitHub - muness/obsidian-ics: Generate Daily Planner from one or more ical feeds needs a daily note workflow. I don’t use daily notes because I don’t like to have data in more than one place. Though perhaps reshifting my workflow to add this step could be good in the longterm, if I have multiple steps to do something, I generally don’t do it.

I can’t figure out a workflow where I can click inside Google Calendar to open a note in Obsidian, even with Hookmark.

What I can do is “publish” the event I want to link to, and then paste that shortcode into Obsidian, but this seems messy.

I’m going crazy here :frowning:

Does anyone know of another app to help with this?

Or a workaround?

Here’s the discussion about read-only calendar support. The hard work has apparently already been done :slight_smile:

The easier bit now needs to be finalised:

Any way to encourage this work?
You can discuss this on the full calendar thread:

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