QuickAdd Plugin

You could also use the idea suggested below, which do work in recent edition of Obsidian/QuickAdd.

Thanks - will give this a try.

Is there anyway to have variables in a section but if you donā€™t want the selected variables you can still write your own?

tags: {{VALUE:techšŸ’¾/purchase,Home/purchase,caršŸš—}}

In my template, that currently asks how I want to assign a tag to my purchase. Lets say I didnā€™t want to assign any of those, either wanted it blank or something new.

What are my options :slight_smile:

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Obsidian API line to delete contents of a note. ( Excluding Title )


Updated API call. ActiveLeaf is deprecated.


I just saw your question, so Iā€™m sorry for being late.

Just add a space and a comma in your values. Example:
tags:{{value: , tech, home}}

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JIā€™m looking to create a macro and I think it would be possible with quickadd but Iā€™m not sure. Iā€™m not comfortable with javascript yet.
I have the moviegrabber, game search and book search plugins to create book, game and movie notes, each with a command. Iā€™m looking to create a command that combines these commands. Basically, Iā€™m looking to create a macro that opens a suggester input with the choice between books, movies, games and series, and launches the corresponding command. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

Nervermind, I found a solution I hadnā€™t thought of. I created a macro for each and a multi in which I grouped the macros.

Can someone help me, is it a way to set up prompt with default value for note name? I want QuickAdd to ask me for a name when I create a new note, but if I leave the prompt empty, I want it to use some default name instead of throwing the error. Is it possible to do this without writing script?

@Outis I was asking myself the same thing a few days ago, so I adapted his OMDB script to connect to TMDb. Hereā€™s the script tmdb-obsidian

@reaty I donā€™t know how to do it without a script, but you can paste this in the Capture Format section of your prompt and it will provide you a default message if the prompt is empty.

```js quickadd
const input = await this.quickAddApi.inputPrompt("Your prompt title") || "Your default message";
return `Input given: ${input}`; ```

Please, how to create a pop-up ā€œcontentEl.setText()ā€, in a quickadd script.js?
I canā€™t load Modal ā€¦

Thank you so much, @sanyaissues.

Hi everyone,

Iā€™ve been trying to use quick add for tasks, but Iā€™ve been running into an issue with quick Add where it will not accept the syntax for VDATE.
What Iā€™m trying to add is the following:

  • {{VALUE:Task name}} {{VALUE::arrow_double_up:,:arrow_up_small:, ,:arrow_down_small:}} :date:{{VDATE:Due date, YYYY-MM-DD}} \n

But what ends up happening is I put in {{VDATE:due or {{VDATE:date and obsidian freezes.

Any help would be great because otherwise Iā€™ll just have to quick add the other parts of the task and then manually add in the due dates on my tasks.

Update: Iā€™ve managed to get, as far as I can tell, the correct code in (had to force close obsidian and then copy in the correct code from note pad)
but itā€™s giving me an invalid date error, so Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong.

Itā€™s normal for it to tell you that this is an invalid date because you havenā€™t entered a date here yet and it is therefore invalid. You need to test to make sure it works.

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Is there a way how can I run executeChoice without asking for input, please?

My idea:

  1. ask for the user input
  2. create folder with title after user input
  3. run executeChoice with input collected from the first action

My task:

  1. ask for input
  2. create new folder, create new note with the title matching folder name, then insert templater template into the note.

Ok I did it.

module.exports = async (params) => {
    const {
    } = params;	
	console.log("start here")
	console.log("app found " + app);
	const templater = app.plugins.plugins["templater-obsidian"].templater;
	console.log("templater found " + templater);
	const tp = app.plugins.plugins['templater-obsidian'].templater.current_functions_object;
	console.log("tp found " + tp);
	// prompt for file name input
	title = "šŸŖ " + await tp.system.prompt("Title");
	// get path of current file
	let filePath = app.workspace.getActiveFile().path;
	console.log("filePath " + filePath);
	// trim file name from the path
	let match = filePath.match(/.*\//);
		folderPath = match[0] + title;
	console.log("folderPath " + folderPath);
	// create folder
	await app.vault.createFolder(folderPath);
	// run note creation with template
	const template = tp.file.find_tfile("MOC Template"); 
	console.log("template found " + template);
	const folder = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(folderPath);
	console.log("folder found " + folder);
	console.log("title is still " + title);
	await tp.file.create_new(template, title, true, folder); 

Beware of this here, took me an hour to troubleshoot

Hi. I really love the plugin. Iā€™ve noticed something odd recently and Iā€™m wondering if anyone else has seen this. In one of my vaults, Iā€™m trying to add a capture to create a meeting note and give it the file name: MEETING - Meeting Name. I also wanted to capture a date for the meeting date in case it is different than the current date.

The issue Iā€™m seeing is every time I type a comma (to format the date) in the capture format box Obsidian completely freezes and I have to shut it down. This doesnā€™t happen in other vaults just this one.

I am trying to add a Quick Add shortcut to create a ToDo, that would ask me what type of ToDo I want so that I can select it from a list of 3 options and it populates the ā€œtypeā€ property in the resulting new note.

Iā€™ve been playing with the QuickAdd macros and itā€™s documentation but I canā€™t figure it out, any suggestions?