Make it easier to find community plugins (organize community plugins by function/tags)

Use case or problem

Looking for useful plugins has become easier with sorting options but…

There are still far too many to keep track of.

Updates, new plugins, outdated plugins, duplicate plugins, and new user overload.

Proposed solution

Add something like VS code has…

  • Recommended plugin section
  • Filter options:
  • Plugin viewing options:
  • A rating system

Related feature requests

Please make it easier to find community plugins
Hide unwanted plugins from community plugins list


There are now 600+ community plugins, and we may know that we’ll never use some of them for some reason:

  • no more maintained by author
  • a newer plugin does a better job
  • too specific for our usage

So I think it would improve QoL if we could exclude the community plugins we don’t want to see anymore in the list.
It may be a core feature, but a plugin could probably do the job.
What do you think?


Stars :star::star::star::star::star: and categories

Use case or problem

The number of plugins available is increasing, which is a good thing. However, the number of downloads does not always reflect a plugin's utility or quality in practice.

Proposed solution

To address this, I propose implementing a system of 5-star ratings to better reflect a plugin's quality. Additionally, categories could also be implemented to further organize plugins, but this would require more thought and consideration.

And you do some pushes and you have no answer.

And having the date of publication of the plugin could be useful

I often go to find interesting and new plugins, but when I browse the Community Plugin Market, I found that there is no option to sort by recently most downloaded. I think it would be useful for new plugins


I will love a tag system!


Use case or problem

There are lots of community plugins in Obsidian now (It is 1077 now.). When you wanna search a plugin for not specific one, I mean, you wanna explore the plugins. You simply lost yourself.

Proposed solution

By tagging the community plugins like “AI, front-matter, auto complete, theming, utilty, metadata etc.”.


I agree. A rating and review system will be a major improvement in addition to sort by date first published or last updated. It would also open another channel for feedback about a plugin other than opening a GitHub issue which most users may not do.

Now that I think of it, implementing a rating system would require an account of some kind to track who gave the rating or wrote the review. And since Obsidian itself needs no account, this would be tricky. Maybe Obsidian Forum account can be used to track the ratings and reviews.

I found another post requesting such a feature but it was incorrectly posted to the plugin ideas category: Have a simple review system for plugins

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Greetings everyone,

All credit to the author for sparking this discussion.

We collectively recognize the growing importance of community plugins. Their popularity is undeniable, and their use is expected to increase in the coming times.

The following suggestions resonate with my perspective.

Plugin Discovery:

A sort-by-update feature would be highly beneficial, as plugins not updated for 6 months could potentially pose security concerns.

Proposed Category: Community Plugins

It’s evident that a dedicated category would greatly assist in locating specific plugins. Currently, information on certain plugins can be hard to come by.

Best regards,

An similar point is to filter them. Buggy and unmaintained plugins waste the time and frustrate the user.

Last updated, works, works not with …, works on android, Windows, …, latest release numbers and dates, needs …, alpha, beta, number of open issues, number of current users, sends content to KI, … are some of the criteria, one needs to make a decision.

With the number of plugins growing all the time (as of today, approaching 1000), it would be really helpful to be able to sort them according to tags.

Use case or problem

There’s no easy way to search for all plugins in a particular area if the plugin title and/or short description doesn’t contain distinctive keywords, e.g. it’s not easy to find all plugins that integrate AI. Similarly, searching for “spaced repetition” will only bring up plugins that actually use those words, and you won’t find various flashcard plugins. Thus, it would be helpful to be able for developers to be able to tag their plugins accordingly.

Proposed solution

Create a tags field to allow developers to tag their plugins. Some suggestions might be “#ai”, “#integrations”, “#interface”, “#spacedRepetition”, “#metadata”, “#appearance

Tags could also be used to mark plugin statuses, e.g. “#sherlocked” or “#inactive

Current workaround (optional)

No current workaround that I can think of. I suppose developers could add hashtags to their short descriptions, so searching “#” would de facto be a tag search.


YES, I was just thinking about this last night! There should be a way a categorize and filter plugins.

Some other categories I can think of right now that could be useful:

  • linking
  • organization/file management
  • metadata
  • customization
  • editing
  • automation
  • integration
  • programming
  • writing
  • AI (the number of these in particular are growing pretty fast.)

Right now, I mostly search for plugins here or on Github because of the current in-app plugin search limitations.


I think this would be useful, too.

Surfacing the right plugins is very difficult.

I think it might useful to combine both a controlled vocabulary of categories or tags to start (maybe hierarchically organized; and plugins may belong to multiple categories). Because then we just defer the problem from “I don’t know what text to search for” to “I don’t know what tags to search for” :slight_smile:

An official “taxonomy” of plugin categoriess can be augmented with a “bottom-up” one where contributors add additional tags to capture applications/aspects.


Yes, I agree totally. Thanks!

Things ive noticed:

  1. Community Plugins are sorted after Downloads not Usecase/Topics which results in some plugins being made multiple times. There are at least 5 Math Latex plugins!!!

  2. Because Obsidian only really has an advantage compared to other note taking apps because it is customizable.

  3. However most people dont know much about programming and thus rely on these plugins and css files from the community. Otherwise they would just use another note taking app instead because they definitely have the more userfriendly interface! Thus even the Obsidian Devs rely on Community Devs in some way.


  1. Plugins should have tags that we can search through:
  • to see alternative plugins for our usecase
  • as well as related plugins that enhace the functionality of our searched/ already installed plugin.
  1. Plugins need to be compareable so that we can see which one is easier to use or fits better for our usecase.

  2. There should be official plugin documentation standards/ guidelines to help plugin developers to create easy to use documentations. (some are huge and the syntax explenation is scattered around).

  3. The devs should work to turn the most used community plugins into core plugins.

  4. Obsidian Devs should help Community Plugin Devs to work together on one plugin instead of developing the same functionality in seperate plugins.


  1. Surely this doesnt guarantee that Community Devs actually work together but having less but better developed plugins is still good for everyone because it helps that plugins dont interfere with eachother and eat more RAM than they need to.

  2. Community Plugin Devs also need to help make their plugins compareable because they put in the data regarding their plugin. However if adding 3 tags is enforced by design and the community can vote to add, delete, change tags we can do it by ourself.

  3. This change is a gradual one and needs at least 6 months for most active devs to change their community pages.


A couple of quick things about this last post

You think that there are duplicates because plugin developers are not aware of other’s people work.
The reality is that most developers do not like to read/understand somebody’s else code and/or they prefer to “do their own thing”. At submission time, we try to point out duplicate work, but it rarely works.

There are some guidelines and policies, some are mandatories some are suggestions.
This is a trade-off. If we require more, we get less plugins of higher quality and vice versa. However, it is hard for us to burden plugin developers with more hard requirements since 99% of them are doing this work for free out of passion.

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Perhaps Mara-Li’s daily updated categorized plugin database might be of help …

plugins | categories

based on rami.sedhom’s version - last updated 2023-08.


Something like this would be amazing to have built-in with regards to tags!

I’d also like (most importantly to me) to have a tag which indicates an app is potentially not maintained (i.e. no updates in a year), so that users can filter these out. There are loads unfortunately. This should be something that can be manually turned off if a plugin is pretty basic and doesn’t require updates to continue working.

Furthermore, I think it would be great if the devs would remove these dead/unmaintained plugins to keep the community plugins tab manageable. In a lot of cases, it’s as simple as sorting by update date, checking the GitHub issues of the plugin and seeing whether it works or not (and warning the maintainer). These could potentially be readied later if there is an update but it would really reduce the bloat of packages in the plugins tab.