Perform the search based on rendered content (not source) - Search to ignore/strip markdown formatting

Use case or problem

If a term has a highlight or other formatting, it wouldn’t get referenced in searches or internal backlinks. It hampers the probable linking.

Proposed solution

  • While searching for the text and while indexing for internal links, the texts should be stripped off of any formatting.
    • For “Match Case” searches, it could be taken as is (maybe).

Current workaround (optional)

What is lost is lost in this case. Everything is based off memory!

Related feature requests (optional)

Obsidian doesn’t recognize unlinked backlinks if they are highlighted


I have the exact same problem and really would need this feature.
In my case if i only make a part of the word bold (e.g. twój, twoja), and I search for twoja or twój, it won’t be found.

This is really a disadvantage, therefore I second this FR. :+1:


I second this too.

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second this, this feature is so important to me

This applies to Cmd + F single file search as well, although Cmd + F can be used in reading view which in turn matches rendered content and ignores 100% inline formatting.

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Big +1!

This limitation discourages searching for exact matches, since formatted text won’t be found.

I wonder if it’s possible to implement some sort of workaround solution for this that utilizes regex. Maybe a plugin or a Templater script that asks a user for input, wraps each word in regex syntax that accounts for all possible markdown formatting syntax, and inserts it into the search.