Outline plugin should include headers from embedded markdown files

Use case or problem

I have many short markdown files that in embed in an ‘overview’ file using ![[child-file]]. The outline plugin does not show any headers for the embedded files, only of the overview file. This makes the overview file significantly harder to navigate.

Proposed solution

The outline plugin should include headers from embedded markdown files and function as if they were part of the ‘host’ file (i.e. clicking on it scrolls to the header).



Very cool. Not to sidetrack this, but perhaps to even take Folding Embedded/Transcluded Notes and allow for more than just folding of the entire embed, but instead also the headings and lists within. This would pair very nicely with your excellent request.

Good idea.


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This could definitely be good. I tend to embed either large files, with lots of headings, or embed headings themselves, which then get cluttered enough that I usually just disable the outliner.

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A must-have: +1

In the meantime, is there a workaround?


Agree with this, +1

Would love if this is implemented, as it would actually really help the usecase of embeds.
There might be issues with it, because text beyond the embed would then dynamically fall under whatever last chapter the embed contributed - which means that if you embed something in the middle of the chapter you loose the remainder of a chapter to the embed’s last subchapter.

Additionally, you would have to think about how to deal with header levels properly. Do they get sorted in statically - a lvl1-heading in the embed becomes an lvl1-heading in the note it is embedded in? Or do all header levels get shifted to be children of whatever level we are in at the position of the embed?

These questions would probably have to be answered first.


I need this. +1


+1, especially as I’m trying out daily notes + Daily Notes Viewer plugin

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Another +1 here.

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This is not expected to work (e.g., it hasn’t been implemented), so it is not a bug by our definitions.

Moving to #feature-requests.

It’s a neat idea though!

I changed the title to make it more like a feature request. (Was “Embedding Page By Heading Doesn’t Add To Outline”.)

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I think this would be helpful. There is another request that also asks for this, albeit not specifically. Instead it requests the functionality for embedded files. Although it doesn’t specify how heading embeds would be handled, I would imagine the functionality requested here would be the best solution.

Anyways, here’s the link: Outline plugin should include headers from embedded markdown files



+1 This would be a very useful feature instead of having to create new, redundant headings for the transcluded files in an overview file to show in the outline.

this is needed

+1 this is a nice feature to have

In my opinion, it would be enough if an embedded note created it’s own entry in the outline, similar to how it does in the Symbol Switcher for the Quick Switcher ++ plugin.

This way, the parent outline doesen’t get cluttered with all the child headings, but you can still see all the embeds in the note and jump to them.

current outline view:

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+1; this feature would be very cool.

However, how would the technical concerns be ovedrcome? For example, how would the file outline look like if you had a file called a.md with the content

# hello


# bye

and a file b.md with the content

# hello


# bye

necessary when splitting view ad the side pane doesn’t always touch the active pane do it can get confusing