One vault vs multiple vaults

An alternate use case would be looking at scope or the “Why not both?” approach. When I use the word scope, I use it mainly in a programming context where you have a local and global scope. Although obsidian handles this a bit different, it could work quite well.

Lets say you have a large set of interconnecting ideas, but distinct projects. You have your journals, books you read and the notes you took, random factoids you found at 3am on wikipedia, over 9,000 different references to tv-tropes, etc. You get the idea :slight_smile:.

Then, for example, lets say you are working on some writing like a novel. You would have a folder for writing projects under which you would have a folder for that book. Inside that folder you would have a typical structure with folders and files for drafts of each chapter/section as well as files for notes/research such as a “characters”, “settings”, or “Timelines”.

Now you might want to link and discover ideas between this novel and ideas you have else where. You are writing a character and want to reference your notes on the [[hero’s journey]]? No problem. Doing some world building and want to reference that paper you wrote on world politics two years ago. Great, all in the same vault.

Later, however, you want to focus in on your drafts and do edits. Avoiding distractions from all the tags, preventing yourself from getting lost taking a [[wiki walk]], and mitigating the distraction of the cool graph of all the linking objects of your work, are all needed.

Again, no problem. Just open the folder for the novel as it’s own vault and edit it there. You could even have different settings and CSS. Fewer panes, less distracting colours, whatever you need. Then later, you can pop back out to the main vault and you are back into the global vault.


Great idea. I think this is a good example of thinking outside the box. Thank you.

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Nested vaults eh? I tried that the very first time I downloaded Obsidian. I’ll admit it sounds like a good idea to have the best of both worlds. But one must be aware that there could be serious bugs doing that. The devs don’t recommend doing it even though the app allows it. Here’s one example of someone losing data doing that, especially with daily notes. I know it could be rare, but something like that happening once is one too many times since you never know what you could lose at what time.

Here’s what I’d suggest until this becomes officially supported after there’s been enough testing of nesting vaults. Move the project folder out of the vault entirely and open as a separate vault and work on it. Once done, recreate the folder in the main vault, and move back only the files from the project vault. One could also just remove the hidden .obsidian folder from the project and move the folder back but moving the notes should be easier for most people.


This is typical in other software. E.g., LaTeX will have standard style definitions, local (site) style definitions, user-level style definitions, and directory-specific style definitions. It’s good idea and makes lots of sense.


I think it’s my turn to ponder the merits of a single vault versus multiple vaults for different, major focus areas. I have three vaults at the moment:

  • A work knowledgebase that I use to capture work-related notes, and things that I learn on the job;
  • A Dungeons and Dragons vault where I store notes and resources relating to my DnD games such as research notes, characters’ information, campaign notes, and so on;
  • A general notes vault where I capture a variety of notes that don’t fit into the other two categories.

My general notes vault is probably my most active vault.

I wrote a note earlier about an idea that I had about DnD game prep that was based on Sönke Ahrens’ suggestion that we cultivate a habit of making notes about things that interest us, and then link those notes (I understand this to basically be at the core of the Zettelkasten methodology) together as a foundation for later work.

When I captured that note into Obsidian, I found myself torn between adding it to the Dungeons and Dragons vault, or the general notes vault where I already have a body of notes about Obsidian, note-taking, and related topics.

So now I’m debating whether to merge all my vaults into one monolithic vault where my main focus areas (work knowledge, DnD, and others that may arise) are really just distinguished by how they are linked, and categorised.

If I were to merge the contents of the vaults, they’d initially be in folders that I’d copy across to the general notes folder (I wouldn’t use nested vaults, just relocate the files themselves). Over time, though, new notes would be added at the vault’s top-level, making the folder structure largely irrelevant, and difficult to unscramble later.

The only option that I can see addressing this dilemma is a way to cross-reference notes between disparate vaults, if such a thing is even feasible.


@seabirdr ~ Is there an official “maximum number of notes Obsidian can handle with ease”?

I’ve seen a wide variety of numbers discussed (ranging from 8,000 - 20,000), so I’m not entirely sure what kind of constraints I’ll be up against here.

In addition, I’m wondering to what degree the following factors affect performance:

  • Image number
  • Image size
  • Embeds
  • Transclusions
  • Processor speed
  • RAM, etc.

At this point (in my earliest planning stages), my strong preference is to use 1 vault – but, to be honest, my biggest concern right now is performance since I have a tendency to gather LOTS of notes. [For example, I currently have 46,000+ “thoughts” (nodes) in my main “megabrain” database in TheBrain.]

Will look forward to any thoughts you (and others) have about performance-related considerations relative to the one vs. multiple vaults decision.

Thanks in advance.


I would imagine this depends on how you are meassuring performance. TheBrain doesn’t show all the connections with infinite depth if I remember correctly, so you can’t really see all the notes that you have in one Graph view like in Obsidian.

I would imagine that Obsidian might struggle with lets say showing 50,000 nodes, depending on the hardware and operating system, but this would probably happen only in the full graph view and not in the local one which is the equivalent to TheBrain’s approach.


Thanks so much, @sol, for taking time to share your thoughts and feedback. Much appreciated!

I would imagine this depends on how you are meassuring performance.


TheBrain doesn’t show all the connections with infinite depth if I remember correctly…

That’s correct, although visibility in greater depth can be achieved using TheBrain’s Outline view.

… so you can’t really see all the notes that you have in one Graph view like in Obsidian.

Thanks for the heads up on this. Since I’ve not yet begun testing the desktop version of O, the only graph view I’ve seen is in published versions ~ and, as far as I can tell, Obsidian online only displays one generation of links at a time.

I would imagine that Obsidian might struggle with lets say showing 50,000 nodes, depending on the hardware and operating system, but this would probably happen only in the full graph view and not in the local one which is the equivalent to TheBrain’s approach.

Ok. Thanks for letting me know. Its encouraging to know 50,000 notes might be workable. :slightly_smiling_face:

First post here, quite new to Obsidian, came here through google search, as I wasn’t sure how to handle what I want to accomplish in terms of vaults. Now I have the answer – thank you guys :slight_smile:

What I got Obsidian for was to build a Zettelkasten specifically. I think Obsidian is perfect because of the robust features like file format, local storage and markdown, while also offering “high tech” features like the graph view and multiple panes. Seriously a dream come true when I found it VS more conventional apps geared to Zettelkasten like Zettlr or The Archive.

What I learned from you guys:

In Obsidian, a Zettelkasten belongs in its own vault.

I know there’s been some hype about ZK method in recent months, but I feel like sometimes people use that term a bit too liberally, ultimately confusing it with a mere note-dump that can be cross-referenced.

Now I absolutely don’t want to tell anybody how to take notes or organize their life, but for a Zettelkasten to be a Zettelkasten only very specific types of notes are taken, and the only notes referenced are other Zettel, period. It’s not a place to integrate with and reference daily journals, projects, videos or whatever else you might have floating around. Only very dense, thought out particles of knowledge/thought.

I don’t want to deter anybody from building a system where all kinds of things go in and can be interconnected. If that makes sense to you, go for it. But that is definitely not a Zettelkasten.

So for me, as I want to follow the ZK “rules” closely: One vault for the ZK, one vault for all the other things I want to throw at Obsidian :slight_smile:


I just moved back to one vault from separating a more brain/ZK-type vault and a work vault with logs, meeting notes, project resources, and contacts.

For me, the friction to switch from one vault to the other to put something in the right place was too much.

Something interesting, though: the work and personal notes about my life that were in the work vault do not connect with the 2nd brain/ZK notes. There’s a gap in my graph. And I never switch from one side of the brain to the other unless I’m really switching modes.

The other thing that helps is I do all my capture in Instapaper for articles and Notes for everything else. Having the noise somewhere else let’s me keep both sides of my brain high signal, low noise.

And when a project is done, I plan to drag that entire folder out of my vault and archive it with the rest of the project files.

So I vote one vault.


Do you think you could sync this with symlinks?

Symlinks aren’t officially supported either. I noticed that the new insider version has better support for them but still with a warning that it could cause issues.

So i’m relatively new to Obsidian. But is it possible to link to different vaults? So for example, say I am reading a research paper that references a particular statistic ~ say X ~ and I want to create a link to this statistic to explain what exactly it is. I would like to keep the research papers separated from the mathematics, so I might have one vault that is “mathematics” and another that is “research papers”. Is it possible to link the vaults? So I can go into the mathematics vault, find that statistic, and link it to some examples of its use in my research vault?

This would be an ideal use case for me to work with multiple vaults.

You can’t use [[wikilinks]] afaik to link between different vaults, but traditional markdown links work. Example, try pasting this code into one of your notes, and then clicking the link in preview mode:

[Link to another vault](obsidian://open?vault=Obsidian%20Help&file=How%20to%2FWorking%20with%20multiple%20vaults)

Or use nested vaults. Set up, for instance, a folder with both your mathematics and research paper folders in it (you could call it Academic) and then open it in Obsidian as a new vault. You would then be able to set up links between papers in both vaults (using wikilinks if you want). But they would only work when you are in Academic; Mathematics and Research Papers would not be able to see each other directly.

Which will work best for you will depend how you like to make your system work.


Never an easy answer is there? I’ve got one single vault at present and am reluctant to split vaults because I use [ ] as actions throughout and then collate them all into a @today page via search for everything that’s due across my personal and work life. As soon as I split them, I lose this functionality and introduce more friction and risk of missing something critical. The flip-side is a blending of work and private information where there should be a demarcation.

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I wrote my first project using Zettelkasten (ZK) in Devonthink (DT). I can definitely see the potential. Although Devonthink has a powerful AI to run searches and bring notes together, it doesn’t easy show the relationship between the notes (zettln) like Obsidian does. Also, even though one can link and back link in DT, it’s cumbersome. (Indeed, ZK is labor intensive, but my hope is that I’ll get the time back in the writing process due to my great notes.)

My questions: 1) In general, how is the ZK in Obsidian experiment working so far?

  1. The ZK labels make the titles of the notes very long. They often run into each other in the graph view. The graph is of limited help if I can’t read it. (I know I can get the name of any one note by hovering over the dot.) Any thoughts on managing the long zettle-titles?

I’m only a beginner with this, so not sure my answer to your question 1 is very authoritative, but so far I’m loving it. I find Obsidian a fantastic tool to record and link thoughts.
As for question 2, I’m finding that I don’t need the ZK type labels in Obsidian. If you want, you can keep dates and times in the front matter as data fields, but I don’t bother with that (at least not yet).
If you use Cmd-O to open notes, you avoid the issue of having a duplicate title as Obsidian will only create a new note if an existing one of the same title doesn’t exist. What else do you need the ZK label for?

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Newb here, but maybe that gives me perspective on your situation.

I think there are reasons to have more than one vault, for example, you want to have a work vault and a personal vault. You might even want to Publish one of them and not publish the other. One might be for school, where you have 1000 notes eventually on Physics. That could make finding Personal notes difficult.

But if you are simply a “folder oriented” person, like many of us folks that dislike putting everything in one pile, then I think you have to challenge yourself to accept the new paradigm of “tags not folders”.

I’ve already had two experiences of seeing connections between two notes in my vault, connections that I had never thought of before. One has lead to me writing a paper. That wouldn’t have happened if I segregated the information more. Its really the whole point of the ZK method.

Wish you the best.

I’ve had the same struggles to decide if I should use one or several vaults.
I came up with the following solution:

As we can see each vault being a separate folder, there is the main folder that contains all the vaults, right? Well, I just open that main folder as a vault in Obsidian and it will contain all other vaults within and also shows me the linked information. If I need to zoom in and focus on a specific area, I could open that subfolder or “sub-vault” for that matter.

Does this make sense or am I missing anything?

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