Obsidian Publish: Self-Hosted Option

Make Obsidian Publish itself, or at least the html files it generates, available for self-publishing.
This is particularly important for private/internal corporate wikis.

Current workaround (optional)

Various third party markdown->html static website generators.

Related feature requests (optional)



I recently discovered Obsidian + Publish and crawled through some demos in the “Published by the Community” section here, and it’s really an impressive way to organize knowledge and quickly retrieve/explore deeper some subjects - especially Stacked pages, Backlinks, as well as Graph view and Hover previews.

Thanks a lot and congrats to the whole team for building such a product!

I wanted to see if I can self-host it for personal use, eg via a docker container + composer config and ended-up on this post. Has there been any new developments in that regard? Thanks!

Edit some other post reference Self-hosted server or docker containers but based on headless debian UI like sytone/obsidian-remote served as remote desktop to the browser, not the best option.