While I take notes, I often want to bring readers attention (my attention) to the information I deem especially important. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find anything like that, so I decided to do it myself by utilizing code blocks and custom obsidian.css.
Here’s my obsidian.cssgist on github
Reminds me of Admonition Paragraphs from AsciiDoc and also of the limitations of Markdown… I wonder if Obsidian developers will ever bother to support AsciiDoc or RST.
Personally, I think using of <code> markup is not a very future-proof way. Why didn’t you use simple paragraphs with selectors for things like NOTICE: or WARNING:?
if, after you have done a note like that, gone from Edit to Preview mode, then go back to Edit mode, and change the letter from e.g. r to b, it won’t show the change when you go back to Preview. You have to rewrite the note;
Well, indeed I saw the same behavior: only r worked correctly. But I thought, maybe that’s because of the theme I use in Obsidian, or some other strange setting in my pc.
After I changed r to red, b to blue etc, it was displayed okay. Does that work for you?
Hm… Personally I don’t like it. I agree that my naming could be better (especially ‘success’), but note class should have semantic meaning. If you decide later on that you want to change red (which depicts error, danger etc.) to yellow you’ll need to go over all your notes or have keep naming yellow note red.
@mklepaczewski: even though you did not answer my initial question, I’ll give you some feedback anyway.
What I like in your code is making the 1st line bold, that’s good for a header even though header syntax is not rendered as such.
I don’t like that the text appears in a white box - see screenshot in my previous comment. In your original screenshot that does not happen, so I wonder why it happens at my end.
I can’t reproduce it. I bet there’s some other CSS selector with higher specificity that overrides the text style. Can you try to enter CTRL+Shift+I (Cmd+I? dunno on Mac, sorry) and check background-color CSS property of the text?
Many thanks for posting that short vid. Unfortunately, when I open Cmd+Option+I, and upon selecting an element, the console does not show the 2 long columns that yours does.
I will leave this issue as it is because I will not try to resolve it right now seeing it is not something I can easily do.
I had the same issue with the white background on the text and it was caused by the theme I was using setting the background colour on code blocks like this: