Nord Theme (dark only)


Thanks for this. I love Nord Theme on my IDE.

Theme looks great, but I seem to be missing the fonts on my machine. Would you be able to link to them in your Github repo?

Edit: I found the fonts:

Iā€™ve installed the fonts, but whatever I do, I canā€™t get Obsidian to change the fonts (Windows). What am I missing?

The screenshot is from macOS so I canā€™t comment on the fonts available on Windows.

The only font changed in this CSS is the monospace font. I use the Hack Nerd Font which contains extra glyphs on top of the regular Hack font. If you donā€™t have this font then it should use either Source Code Pro or your default monospace font, which is inline with what Obsidian does by default.

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I love this theme, but I noticed that with the recent update, lists do not appear in the Edit view.

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I experienced the same problem with quote in Edit view

Yes, sorry about that. Iā€™ve fixed this issue.

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Great, I waited for this!


I also like your theme a lot but would like to increase the size of the standard font for ā€œnormalā€ text to be more readable for me. Can you please guide me to the line where to do it?


You could zoom the entire window with ctrl/cmd-+.
To change it via CSS just modify the ā€˜font-sizeā€™ attribute in the obsidian.css file.

Thanks mate!

But I did that now. I was able to shrink the size of Obsidian with command and -. But when I try to increase the window back with command and +, nothing happens.

Frankly, I am scared :wink:

Happy holidays!

Zooming in issue has been resolved on this page.

Thanks et all!

Love this theme! Thank you so much for it.

Iā€™m trying to change one thing and I canā€™t figure it out.
When I select text it highlights with the secondary colour (I believe) which is great. However, that doesnā€™t seem to apply to the title or the search box.

Iā€™m not sure where or how to specify a different bg colour when these items are selected.

Hi @Lise, can you please report this issue on Github? Thx!

Iā€™m having the same issue and have been looking into it. I put a detailed comment in Github with what Iā€™ve found.

A short term fix is to create a CSS snippet that changes the value for the --text-selection variable. Iā€™m using frost3. Here is the code to paste into a snippet:

:root {
  --text-selection: var(--frost3);

The selection color will be quite different, but itā€™s at least visible everywhere. You could also try any of the the other theme colors or a CSS color value instead of a variable.