I hope the url can be render into the image below
Actually I can write it down like “单片机的寄存器类型及操作教程 ”,but i have to keep the title incase the website can’t be open and then i still can search the content by the title.
My English is not very good and this editor is awesome.
I think the main feature request for external [Markdown](https://links.edu)
in Properties is here:
Adding my voice here: I’m also using markdown links in a list in properties.
aliases: [Kleene operator, Kleene closure]
- "[regexone site](https://regexone.com/lesson/kleene_operators)"
- "[wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleene_star)"
I’d love if obsidian recognized these as links, so that they’re clickable in the reading view
MOD-EDIT: For the FR regarding internal markdown links (like [mynote](note.md)) go here
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March 28, 2024, 11:11pm
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