My Personally-developed Android Widget to View Obsidian Vault

Glad to introduce my personally developed home widget to view a vault, after nearly a month’s work:

Homescreen Obsidian Vault

as a community solution for this feature request

But there’s some differences between them. This widget is proposed to view the whole vault and provide a visual impression and quick access to our note knowledge base. Not displaying too much contents, nor provide todo list — I personally use other apps(Shiguangxu) to manage my todos. That app also provide a widget for viewing notes, but it only display a 3xN grid, cannot make stars and show folder structures. So finally I’d made it by our own.

The widget is just done yesterday and is still testing and adjusting — But you could still download a preview in “releases” of this Github Repository, and please welcome to try it out and discuss and give feedback or any valuable suggestions for enhancements!

Also I’m not professional in Android dev - In fact it’s my first time to develop an Android project, and I’m making it under assistants of Gemini-Pro and Google Search. If any Android professionals could give enhancements / architecture insights and suggestions I’ll never appreciate it too much.

And I don’t think I have a genius mind in UI designing, so if you have any idea about how the UI could be redesigned more comfortable welcome to advice here!

Furthermore, if you’re also as enthusiastic as me welcome to collaborate on this project together!


hi !

Thank you !

i’ve tried it.
It’s a good start, but there’s still a lot missing to make it user-friendly.
Too bad I’ve never coded for Android, otherwise I’d have tried to help you.