Minimal Theme

Please open a Github issue for Checklists support. You may also want to tag the developer of the plugin on Github

The non-minified version is available in the repo as Minimal.css

Done and done! Tagging @delashum on this thread.
Thanks for your help!

Could it be possible that with the last update, the edit/preview button on mobile version of the theme disappeared?

Are you using focus mode? If you are using Minimal Theme Settings you can disable focus mode from the command palette or the settings.

Yea! that’s the reason. Thanks :pray:t2:

I think that’s a smart idea to remove it and let a feature like this be managed by a @mgmeyers separate Indentation Guides plugin.

Firstly, thanks @kepano for such wonderful theme and really advanced improvements such as the cards layout and also the cssClasses.

I’m really in love with cssClasses:row-alt that I want to make it the default for all tables in my vault! I studied the theme but I still do not know what to write in the Snippet to make this happen :sweat_smile:. Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks in advance!

Loving the embed-strict class for transclusions! Is there a way to globally enable it for all notes without needing to use the cssClasses YAML? Maybe I need to turn that bit into an individual snippet.

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@kepano Some of the lines seem to have different spacing or line numbering is misaligned (screenshot attached). I tested this with other themes and it is showing up only with Minimal. No snippets, no outlines/indentation/zoom plugins. I am on 4.4.0.

This is fixed if you update to the latest

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Started using Minimal theme today. Is there an easy way to increase the contrast of UI icons and sidebar text? I find some of the icons a bit hard to see.

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I guess you are referring to Dark mode?

Paste the following in CSS Snippets

/* Theme colors */
.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast .titlebar,
.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast .workspace-ribbon.mod-left:not(.is-collapsed),
.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast .mod-left-split,
.theme-light.minimal-light-contrast.minimal-status-off .status-bar, .workspace-drawer.mod-left,
.theme-dark {
  --text-faint:hsl(var(--base-h),var(--base-s),calc(var(--base-d) + 35%));

35% works for me, and 0.6 for icon-mute works for me. Change the number according to your own preference.

Does anyone know what could cause a difference in line length in Minimal Settings plugin and in the notes themselves?

I like my line length to be around 70 characters, most readable to me. To achieve this, I had to set Normal Line Width in settings to 33. Appx half.

There are no other plugins mingling with the line length as far as I can tell.
I do have ‘Readable Line lenght’ On in editor settings.

And my settings

I am not sure if I understand the question. Are you saying you want the line length to be longer? Can you increase the “normal line width” number to match what you want it to look like?

Hi @kepano, I mean there is a discrepancy between the number of characters in Minimal settings and the real number of characters in one line in the note. I would expect that if I set a number, I see the same (max) number of characters in one line in the note view?
Currently, that is not the case. It’s almost double in comparison to the setting. I could be missing something regarding how this should work. Thanks!

You are correct, it is not the literal number of characters. This is expected because the width of the line is set in em units. The em unit is the width of the letter “m” in the font that you use. Unless you use a monospace font, different characters have different widths, so the line width will not be exactly that number of characters.

Ah indeed, in that case a lot less characters will fit on a line. I checked this in a test note and I can put 38 'm’s on a line, when I set the number of characters in Minimal settings to 33. Do you have an idea what could cause this difference? I checked with all Custom CSS snippets off.

The contrast in the graph view is very low and not consistent with the color saturation, anyone else having the same problem?

To which parts of the graph are you refering?
I have a very different accent colour for the UI of the theme than the colour in the graph. My accent colour it quite saturated, but the colour in the graph isn’t.
Maybe they are not connected.

i can’t override max character line for tables, no matter what i choose in minimal theme setting plugin or css that supposedly going to set the width to the max. does anyone else have this issue or has a suggestion?