Dear user/fan,
Have you seen how dynalist displays search results?
It’s magic. And there’s nothing else out there like it.
Try it out if you haven’t yet. (You could watch the video I’ve linked too).
Why is it so amazing?
Because… in dynalist, when you search for something, right after you hit “enter/return”, your page is filled with everything you just searched for—fully rendered; right there—without having to click through results.
- Pictures (that match your search query) are displayed—fully rendered,
- Text (that matches your search query) are displayed—fully rendered,
- Everything (that matches your search query) is displayed—fully rendered
All you have to do is hit enter and everything is “there.”
The search is so good, it’s almost as if dynalist was “built… to search… for stuff”
So that’s my (humble) request: to have a magic, one-click search, that renders the search results, similar to the way dynalist does it.
I don’t code. I imagine this is a harder ask than I could fathom.
I just haven’t seen it asked yet, and this must be asked.
A note to Erica and Shida:
You guys build stuff with serious magic sauce.
Obsidian KICKS serious butt! (and Dynalist too).
How do I pay?