Jupyter Notebook integration for Obsidian?

Can there be Jupyter integration as a plugin in obsidian?


+1: Perfect for writing notes on programming!


How are you imagine this to work? Can you explain user case?

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I don’t think is it is necessary to explain a user case.
Consider these statements:
:point_right: Obsidian is based on some browser technology.
:point_right: Jupyter requires a browser to run.
:point_right:Both support markdown and rendering into webpages.

So obviously, if you blend them in a mixer you get:
>‘Obsidian supports the Jupyter notebook file format’

So this way you got to manage, manipulate markdown files as well as Jupyter notebook files in the same vault.


Just research if you can iFrame object from Jupiter… Then you just add iFrame object into Obsidian, and that right now.

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the use case is taking notes on programming topics where you want the notes to be linked. you could keep notes on the abstractions(the general or mathematical notion of what something is) separate from the implementations, except within the implementation notes(in a jupyter notebook) would have a runnable example.

I looked it up and it is possible to run jupyter notebooks in an iframe. here’s a tutorial from someone doing so to run a notebook on their website


I use jupytext to pair a jupyter Notebook with a markdown document, where changes to one are mirrored in the other.

I use it for studying purposes, mainly in Data Science, creating an easy to access corpus of useful scripts or best practices.


VSCode has Jupyter capabilities built directly into it. You can open VSCode directly on your vault folder alongside Obsidian, I do it all the time for certain file manipulations and to edit CSS etc.

I heavily recommend against adding coding capabilities to Obsidian. Atom and VSCode already exist with those capabilities. Obsidian is a note taking platform, key difference.


It’s not Jupyter, but I did create a plugin to integrate with SageMathCell:

This will automatically evaluate code blocks of the language “sage” upon markdown render. By default a community server is used, so there’s virtually no setup.

Note that graphs and other forms of fancy output are not supported at this time, though I would like to support them in the near future.

I personally use this to explore concepts in computational mathematics. It’s pretty sweet to be able to evaluate code alongside my notes.


I’ve been using a custom plugin to execute code in Obsidian, e.g. to do quick plots to explore ideas. Feedback welcome!

But, as @davecan mentioned, Obsidian is probably not the right environment for full-blown development.


Wow that is super cool. While I agree that Obsidian is not the best for full blown development, I do have tons of coding notes and it would be really convenient to quickly see what they do without having to open up and IDE.


Hoping to give this a try but I can’t seem to locate a main.js file after yarn - probably me forgetting something dumb

@vvarren have you tried the npm i followed by npm run dev steps and still not getting the main.js?

@tillahoffmann : this is something I really waited for. Learning Python, running scripts in Obsidian would be so great. Even if I will never do actual developing work in Obsidian.

But I can`t get it to work. Working on Windows, I don’t know what to input as path to the python interpreter. I tried everything I could think of: “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32”, with all possible combinations of “/”, “\”, “//”, “\\”. The path is correct. And yes: instead of “<username>” I used my correct username.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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solved it! thank you!

I just want to +1 on this and include a link to a related comment, Filtering Everywhere! - #4 by goodsignal

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Anyone have an update on this? I’d like to move my Jekyll site into a networked note taking platform. But I have a lot of crappy ipynb’s I’d like to also have on the site. https://rcyost.github.io/ ← how to turn this into obsidian and keeping the ipynb’s is what I am after basically.

+1 for that, having the ability to simply open natively a jupyter notebook (even without running it), and having the ability to link the markdown content would be revolutionary for computer science note taking


Great! But for viewing .ipynb?
not for running but for reading or updating markdown sections?


yep just being able to view would be great

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