This is a super underappreciated Forum post and workflow. Thanks so much for sharing @ryanjamurphy!
Q: is this supposed to yield a choice the way your does in the video when we click or hold on the Home Screen shortcut? It just opens the days note for me. And is it supposed to add a time stamp? It doesn’t do that for me?
I know it’s been forever since you posted this (awesome!) workflow, but I’ve hit a minor sticking point and I wonder if you have any insight.
It seems like, if I leave Obsidian for 15 minutes or longer, it wants to reload my vault, plug-ins, workspaces, themes, etc. on startup and then sync things like my Daily Notes Page.
Is there something in your workflow that gets Obsidian to load immediately for input? This is the last hurdle for me to get a Drafts-like instant-on workflow going with Obsidian Mobile. Until then, I’m still paying for Drafts Pro.
Until Apple allows background sync for apps like Obsidian, I don’t think we’ll see a solution that beats Drafts for speed. Sorry! I, too, deal with the same speed bump you describe. I just accept it as a cost of not having to use an extra app.
In other news, I just noticed that I haven’t posted Lumberjack in this thread.
Between a rock and a hard place! I was using iCloud for syncing my Obsidian vaults, but iCloud Drive wants to make all the decisions about what gets saved locally and what gets offloaded to the cloud, leaving some links unresolved or inaccessible within Obsidian until their files were specifically requested. I like Obsidian Sync’s conflict resolution, but it does slow down quick input.
Lumberjack looks as close to perfection as we’re likely to get without resolutions to those technical obstacles. I will check it out today—thank you so much!
Did “Hotkeys for templates” break? I installed and enabled it but the options menu is blank and no hotkeys for templates appear in the hotkeys section.
hmmm. I’m not sure! Templater added direct support for making Templates full commands (e.g., hotkeyable and targetable via Advanced URI).
That said, if you’re just looking to use the log workfow discussed in this thread, my Lumberjack plugin is purpose-built to encapsulate that workflow into a single plugin.
This is working for me, but 1) the insertion point is appearing on the next line, rather than next to the time as in the gif above, and 2) how do I get that menu with several options that shows up in the graphic? And how do you make it have the Obsidian icon?