Is there still no way to edit individual properties, based on values?

Hi everyone. I hope you are having a good day.
I was wondering if there is now a way to edit properties based on the value of the properties.
At the moment I can edit properties based on the keys, e.g.

    .metadata-property:not([data-property-key="tags"],[data-property-key="aliases"],[data-property-key="cssclasses"]) .multi-select-pill {

However, it affects ALL values in the corresponding properties. What I want to do is to format properties that are part of a certain key and based on their specific values e.g. edit only properties that are part of the key ā€œstatusā€ and contain the value ā€œdoneā€

I have read some posts:

Properties view CSS - The Fall Collection.

That state that at the moment of posting it was not possible, but some time has passed, and I wanted to know if it was now possible. I have read that the pseudo class has:() may help but it goes well beyond my beginner expertise of css.

Thanks in advance for any help.

CSS canā€™t target content of html elements, and the value of a property is just that. The reason we can target the properties are because theyā€™ve been repeated as attributes to the html elements.

So you canā€™t achieve what you want with vanilla Obsidian, and I donā€™t any plugins which changes the rendering to make also the values part of the attributes so that it could be targeted by CSS.

Thanks for letting me know. So sad to hear that. My use case for this is the following, I use a css snippet that adds background color to certain properties. But it does it a predefined order:

It would be very useful if I could assign a specific color to certain words, like purple to obsidian, green to personal, grey to notes, etc, etc. That way we could even restrict specific background colors for specific words, and easily identify said property once we see that color.

Hopefully we can find a solution for this in the future. I think a lot of cool and useful things could be achieved if we could target specific words.

Thanks again for the help.

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