I constantly use sticky notes on Windows because they are very quick to open and easy to write on. Due to this, I’ve accumulated many notes on the sticky notes app rather than being organized in Obsidian. I need a similarly fast and convenient note-taking solution within Obsidian. Otherwise my note would always be fragmented.
Proposed solution
Develop a tiny, efficient, sticky note-like application within Obsidian that allows users to create and manage notes quickly without opening the entire Obsidian application. Here are the key features and requirements:
Instant Launch: The quick note-taking app should start almost instantaneously, similar to Sticky Notes, to facilitate rapid note-taking.
Note Selection: Users must be able to select which existing note to append their new content to or choose to create a new note.
Since all notes are in basic markdown, it would be ideal to show the entire content of the notes. This allows users to insert their notes exactly where they want within the original note.
If displaying the full note content impacts startup time, consider adding a reminder or indicator within the main Obsidian app when the app is next opened. This reminder would alert users if notes have been appended to an existing note by the quick note application, allowing them to review and organize the content as needed.
Plugin Management: While the quick note application should support plugins, their impact on startup time must be minimal. Users should have the ability to select which plugins to activate based on their needs and the performance impact.
Essential Features:
Task Lists: Ability to create and manage to-do lists.
Tables: Simple table creation and editing.
Media Integration: Option to add images or videos to notes.
Hotkey: Provide a quick hotkey to activate and hide the quick note-taking app for fast access.
Lightweight Mode: If implementing all these features significantly affects startup time, provide a lightweight version similar to Sticky Notes, focusing on rapid text entry and minimal overhead.
Current Workaround (Optional)
Currently, I rely on Windows Sticky Notes for quick note-taking and then manually transfer important notes to Obsidian. & Sometimes I just don’t This process is inefficient and disrupts my workflow.
Related feature requests (optional)
This feature has been suggested in the plugin request forum Quick Note Taker (like a Sticky Note), but it deserves attention as a core feature request for broader visibility and prioritization.
Implementing this feature would significantly enhance the usability of Obsidian for users who need a fast, efficient way to capture fleeting thoughts and ideas without the overhead of launching the full application.
You could have a system shortcut key that opens a markdown file of your vault into a text editor (or perhaps a markdown editor). Then, whichever the application you are working in, the shortcut key will open the file for you to add notes.
Alternatively, you could have a system shortcut key that launches a small batch script. That script would creates a new file in your vault, then open that in an editor for you to add a quick note.
Obsidian works with plain textfiles. That is what gives you all the freedom to work with the notes the way you see fit.
The suggestion to use a system shortcut key to open a markdown file in a text editor or to launch a small batch script to create a new file in one’s vault, while practical, misses the essence of what makes sticky notes so effective and user-friendly.
The primary reason for requesting a dedicated sticky note-like application within Obsidian is not merely the functionality of taking quick notes, but the “stickiness” and immediate accessibility that sticky notes provide. Sticky notes have a convenient UI and UX that make writing and finding notes effortless and visually pleasing. The ability to instantly see and access notes without additional steps or navigating through folders is crucial for maintaining productivity and ensuring that notes are not lost or forgotten over time.
While opening a markdown file or creating a new one via a shortcut key technically accomplishes the task of quick note-taking, it lacks the intuitive and seamless experience that sticky notes offer. The feature request aims to integrate this level of convenience and efficiency directly into Obsidian, enhancing the overall user experience and ensuring that notes are easily accessible and organized without additional effort.
In conclusion, the proposed alternatives do not address the core requirement for a quick, visually appealing, and highly accessible note-taking tool that integrates seamlessly into the user’s workflow, which is what makes sticky notes so valuable.
Understand your POV. What about using hover view to open a scratch note, or open the note in a new windows. You can then use the quickadd to add items to the note.
Being practical and having work to get done using this great and flexible tool, I am a believer that, “Perfect is the enemy of good”.
I use Notepad++ which can have multiple tabs open. where I make different notes. You can select where to save files (ex. Obsidian folder/vault) and then save with *.md extension. It is quick and lightweight.
Such a bad inconvenient Alternative! it adds way more steps than the current one. it doesn’t work offline! & even if I’ve 24/7 working connection. I still wouldn’t use it coz of too many damn steps involved! it would’ve been great. if it could automatically sync all those notes but one have to manually export them & then Import them! I’m requesting for something quick, seamless, & candy for the eye not something that does none of those for my lazy lifestyle. whereas @DJP method is still better. The reason why I don’t use Notepad++ is just coz of the bad UI & UX. if only sticky notes used Markdown files & gives users the freedom to store them wherever they want!
Alright guys I understand your urges to provide me with alternatives but this isn’t the request for one! I’m here to request for a upgrade in the current app not an alternative for it!
When I say I want sticky note functionality in Obsidian, I’m talking about integrating that ease of use and instant access directly into the app. It’s about making the process of writing and finding notes as smooth and visually appealing as possible. The alternatives you guys suggested, while technically feasible, don’t offer the same seamless experience. I don’t want to open a separate app or run a script every time I need to jot something down. I want it all in one place, within Obsidian, without breaking my workflow.
And @pshev , I get your point about “Perfect is the enemy of good,” but this isn’t about chasing perfection. It’s about making things better. I don’t need perfect; I need improved. I need something that feels integrated and natural within Obsidian. That’s why this feature request is here not to find another tool, but to enhance the one we love using.
So, let’s keep pushing for this improvement in Obsidian itself. It’s not about settling for good enough; it’s about making good even better.
This thread sent me exploring multi-platform sticky notes apps that could be used with obsidian. I found that tomboy-ng was the best option and works pretty well. While it uses a “.note” file extension and stores the note in its own xml format, there is also an export command to move the note to plain text or markdown. when i create a note i use the menu to save to markdown or plain text. not 100% ideal but can be used on win/linux/mac and notes that are saved as text can also be read on android
I have a different mindset, that I can propose
If it need to be instant, it need to be… simple in the extreme. I see too many features
The thing that I use when I’m around is my own private “notes” telegram channel One tap, start writing, stop writing, close.
The fastest access, Telegram autosave, too, and put automatically even date and time.
Need a photo, I take a photo. Need video, I record a video.
When at home I transfer all to Obisdian and I can make notes, tags, and so on.
Things that need to remain “sticky” into the phone, can remain into the channel.
I already feel comfortable with telegram interface, so I already have the same usability for free.
I just don’t need to have the view/edit function directly on a desktop
The distance between having notes on desktop and having notes on telegram is just one click on traybar with mouse or a single tap on a phone.
If I really need having access to notes directly from desktop, I could fill my desktop with Obsidian Note Urls. One click, again, and I open the note.
Maybe that workflow works for you. But I lose a lot of screen space on a small laptop screen with both telegram and browser open.
Not to mention, the added friction to transfer notes to obsidian later. If sticky notes are implemented, we can just open existing notes on the side and directly add content to it.
As for implementation part, obsidian recently added support for multiple windows. If the lightweight mode and instant launch requirements are skipped (as mentioned in original post), it could be implemented as a new always on top obsidian window.
This window will only render the note editor part with some essential buttons. Might require obsidian to be always running background (as implemented in tray plugin). A global hotkey to create a new note or open existing notes can be implemented.
I can understand, but the suggestion of a simple idea can inspire someone to do something they have never considered. We are all always looking for sophisticated solutions, by default.
HiI created a python script just for my needs, is perfect if you just want to write anything directly to your vault without waiting for obsidian to open. I had the same issue. And I couldn’t find any solution for something that just accepts text and write it in a markdown file in a specific folder fast. The script is fired on startup and waits silently for a hotkey, it raises on top of all the windows to write a note, control enter and the window closes and the note is saved. It will take the first line as the title, excepts if there are too much words on the first line, in that case it will take only the first four words(customizable) and print all in the note.
# By Arturo Rebolledo Rosenstiehl from Barranquilla, Colombia
## Python packages to install
import keyboard
import customtkinter as ctk
from plyer import notification
from datetime import datetime
import os
# Configuration
SAVE_PATH = r"C:\Users\USUARIO\OneDrive\Knowledge Garden\00 - INBOX\MicroNotas"
## Hotkey to open the window
HOTKEY = "alt+."
## Save hotkey control enter
SAVE_HOTKEY = "ctrl+enter"
words_title_limit = 4
obsidian_icon_path = r"C:\Users\USUARIO\OneDrive\Descargas\obsidian-icon-_4_.ico"
app_name = "Obsidian Nota Rápida"
# Ensure the save directory exists
os.makedirs(SAVE_PATH, exist_ok=True)
def open_in_obsidian(filepath):
"""Open the note in Obsidian."""
os.system(f'start "" "obsidian://open?path={filepath}"')
def delete_word(event):
"""Delete the word before the cursor, including spaces."""
widget = event.widget
index = widget.index("insert")
if index == "1.0":
return "break"
while True:
index = widget.index(f"{index} - 1 char")
char = widget.get(index)
if char.isspace() or index == "1.0":
return "break"
def save_note():
"""Open an enhanced dialog to take a note and save it as a Markdown file."""
def save_and_close():
note_content = text_box.get("0.0", "end").strip()
if note_content:
lines = note_content.split("\n")
first_line_words = lines[0].strip().split()
title = (
if len(first_line_words) < words_title_limit
else " ".join(first_line_words[:words_title_limit])
body = (
if len(first_line_words) < words_title_limit
else "\n".join(lines).strip()
date_property = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
filename = f"{title}.md".replace("/", "-").replace(
"\\", "-"
) # Replace unsafe characters
filepath = os.path.join(SAVE_PATH, filename)
with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
file.write(f"date: {date_property}\n")
if os.path.exists(filepath):
print(f"Nota guardada en {filepath}")
title="Nota Guardada",
message=f"Nota {title} guardada en Obsidian",
print("No se ingresó contenido. Nota no guardada.")
title="Nota No Guardada",
message=f"Hubo un error y no se ingresó el contenido.",
print("No se ingresó contenido. Nota no guardada.")
# Create CustomTkinter window
root = ctk.CTk()
# Change window icon
root.attributes("-topmost", True) # Ensure the window is always on top
# Label and text box
# label = ctk.CTkLabel(root, text="Write your note:", font=("Arial", 14))
# label.pack(pady=10)
# Detect system theme and apply the corresponding theme
text_box = ctk.CTkTextbox(root, width=380, height=180)
root.update() # Update the window to ensure it displays correctly
root.focus_force() # Force focus on the main window
# Button to save
text_box.bind("<Control-Return>", lambda event: save_and_close())
# save_button = ctk.CTkButton(root, text="Save", command=save_and_close)
# save_button.pack(pady=10)
# Binding to delete words with Ctrl+Backspace
text_box.bind("<Control-BackSpace>", delete_word)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Listening for hotkey combination: {HOTKEY}")
keyboard.add_hotkey(HOTKEY, save_note)
# Keep the script running