How can i use different fonts for different parts of the obsidian menu?

What I’m trying to do

use a different font in the navigation bar and in the other menus (like the configuration)

Things I have tried

looking at the css variables in the obsidian help site, but none of them are what i am looking for

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If by configuration, you mean the settings window, there was this thread just today. How can I change the font size of the settings window?

By navigation bar, you mean the File Explorer? (I’m being picky about names because it will help you when you forum search.)

For example if I start searching the forum for File Explorer, I find threads like this where people are making changes. So you can find CSS that way. Improved Visibility for Files and Folders at the Same Level in Obsidian's File Explorer

There I find how to target files and folders. Here’s how you’d change the font:

.nav-file-title-content {
  font-family: Roboto Mono;
.nav-folder-title-content {
    font-family: Roboto Mono;

Another way is by downloading a theme, and just reading through all the CSS to try to spot ones that sound related. Grab it, put it in a snippet, and experiment.

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Learn how to use the Developer tools > Elements pane, and you get the CSS selectors used for whatever part of the Obsidian interface. See guide below to get you started:

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