Use case or problem
When editing I sometimes want to return to one of last editing positions to do the change. Pressing hotkey is much easier than visually searching for the location and maybe scrolling in possibly long document.
Proposed solution
Something to cycle back and forth in the list of previous cursor positions would be ideal.
(source: Vim: Move cursor to its last position - Stack Overflow)
For example in EmEditor I have assigned hotkeys “Ctrl+,” and “Ctrl+.” to commands “Edit:Back” and “Edit:Forward”
Works also elsewhere:
- Quickly move back to previous cursor position in Word
- IntelliJ shortcut previous/next caret position windows
- How to move to previous caret position in Android Studio
- Moving caret back/forward to previous/next editing position within a document in Xcode 4?
Additionally pressing this hotkey in search could return the focus to note-pane which would solve FR: hit Esc to return from 'Search in files' tab back to previously active tab
Current workaround
Related feature requests
- Improving visibility of caret(cursor) position in editor mode
- Return focus to currently note - #2 by malecjan (after pressing Escape in search)
Edit 2023-05-07:
“Navigate Cursor History” plugin solves this feature request.
Github link: GitHub - heycalmdown/navigate-cursor-history
I am using it with hotkeys Ctrl+,
and Ctrl+.