I wanna see something similar to Norion “Table of content” to make navigation in big notes much faster.
It could be on a left side panel just like tags and backlinks.
There I could see all headers and have ability to click on anyone of them and immediately get there in the note.
YEP. That’s it.
This is probably the most popular thread also requesting such a feature:
When I was writing a long note in markdown, it is kind of annoying to scroll from top to bottom every time I reopen the note because of jumping back from another link.
So, is there a way to support table of content syntax in markdown file? For example, when I type [toc], the Obisidian will display the table-of-content of current markdown file.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Though the idea of an outline view is also related:
Hi -
I would love to see a side panel option that displayed my (currently being edited) document in a outline view, like DevonThink can, or Drafts, or MultiMarkdown Composer. I end up making a note with a few different sections, and often want to hop between those sections rather than make 6 separate notes. Having the note outline visible would be really helpful.
Here’s a screenshot of the way DevonThink displays this:
[Outline View]
Being able to click on a section and skip to it would be…
Adding to the cross-reference collection
Typora offers the possibility (with a css) to have all headers and subheaders listed in a TOC in a sidepane. That way, when one has a long document, one always has the TOC on the side and click to a relevant header when navigating.
I use this a lot and would like it in Obs too.
This would be a great feature. I was going to add automatic Table of Contents creation.
Zettlr has a Table of Contents dropdown menu in the UI but not in the note. I find this useful for quick navigation. Here’s a gif preview of how it works: https://share.getcloudapp.com/eDu1rydK
July 5, 2020, 3:46am
How were you going to add automatic Table of Contents creation to Obsidian?
I meant, add a feature request.
July 5, 2020, 12:52pm
Ah, OK. You know there is a plug-in request for it?